How many slang words in the english language

It means they are ill and possibly contagious. Let down — can be used in a multitude of ways and means you thought the experience was not good. Leave it out — means you want someone to stop doing or saying something that you find upsetting or annoying. Minted — if someone is described as minted it means they are rich, so become their best friend immediately! Mitts — a mitten is a kind of glove. But Brits have shortened the word and made it slang for hands. Miffed — is another way of saying you are confused or annoyed.

Not my cup of tea — is a saying used when something is not to your liking. Naff — is used to describe something that is of poor or inferior taste.

Nosh — is slang for food. One off — an expression used to describe something unique. It means someone thinks you are lying. Put a sock in it — If you have had enough of someone talking you can tell them to put a sock in it. It is totally fine to use amongst friends but even you think your lecturer is going on a bit we advise you keep the thought to yourself! Quack — is slang for a doctor that is suspected of not have the correct qualifications.

Reem — is English slang for something being nice, good or cool and originates from Essex. Rank — is slang for something that is horrible, in bad taste or actually smells unpleasant. Rinsed — can be used in a couple of ways. The first is if you defeat someone in an argument, fight or other competition. The second context is when someone pays over the odds for something.

Finish off whatever you are doing fast! The implication is you are taking too long or you are not doing it efficiently. Stitched up — is when someone has taken advantage of you. Shagged — This can mean a number of things some ruder than others. But the most common use is when someone is expressing how tired they are. Taking the piss — If you hear this being used it means one person is shocked at what another person is doing or saying. Throw a spanner in the works — you are likely to hear this saying when something goes wrong or someone makes a mistake.

Tickety-boo — means OK and may have originated from a Hindi word meaning everything is fine. The offie — The off-licence is the equivalent to an American convenience store, licenced to sell alcohol.

Umpteen — means a relatively large, but unspecified amount, of something and is generally used when someone is annoyed. Up the spout — when you have wasted something such as money. Under the cosh — is used when you feel under pressures or restricted. Veg-out — is slang for relaxing.

To veg-out properly you have to order pizza and find a really naff movie to watch in your jim-jams. Vibe — is slang for feelings, atmosphere, mood. Wonky — is another word for shaky or unstable.

You can use it to refer to a person or an object. For example, you might say a chair has a wonky leg. Wangle — means to get or do something that is a bit devious.

Wee — is a Scottish word for small. If a Scottish person says they want a wee drink they want a whiskey. You guys would be perfect for each other! He seemed like a cool guy! If someone asks you where you usually hang out, they want to know in which place you prefer to be when you have free time.

It means that they are free and not doing anything special. It refers to the place where you spend your free time. Come down whenever you want!

Everybody loves to chill out but what does it mean? It simply means to relax. Example 1. We know there are many things that have wheels—a car, a motorbike, a bike and even wheelbarrow but when somebody refers to their wheels they are talking about their car. With this meaning you can also replace amped with pumped.

Be careful though, you should only use this when speaking to another person and not the babe because they may get offended. The police bust people every day translates to they catch all the bad guys and charge them or put them in prison. Our school takes cheating really seriously. If you dump your boyfriend or girlfriend it means you stop having a romantic relationship with them for some reason.

There are many more great single people out there to date. Alex dumped her last night! I met my ex-boss in the supermarket the other day and he asked me to come back and work for him.

But if you call your friend a geek it could be in a fun more playful way. She spends all her time in the library! You can be hooked on chocolate, basketball, a new TV show or something more dangerous like smoking which is not cool by the way!

You probably already know the meaning of in as a preposition. If there is one thing I learned during my two-year adventure in South America, it is that even though most of South American countries speak Spanish, excluding Brazil, Guyana, French Guyana and Suriname each country has its own slang. I lived in Chile, only forty-five minutes from the border of Argentina, yet right across the border into Argentina, the slang is completely different.

I thought that was an interesting phenomenon since, in the US, most slang is widespread from state to state. As an English learner, slang is one of the hardest aspects of the language to understand. Every language has slang and sometimes nobody knows where some of the slang words or phrases come from. But people from the US have been using this phrase for so long that it is not even considered slang anymore, but it actually is.

So where did all of this slang come from and how does it evolve? As a matter of fact, English slang started as language used mostly by criminals in 16th and 17th century England and developed primarily in saloons and gambling houses. School children at this time were taught that using slang was taboo and improper, but children will be children and innately want to do what is forbidden. So, slang began making its way amongst the youth.

During the post-World War I era, society gained new attitudes about slang and there was now a demand for slang in entertainment, mass media, and fiction.


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