You best explore the universal through the personal — through your specific experiences of that theme in how it relates to the journey of your memoir as a whole. Write your memoir focus sentence Turning points in Memoir The two worlds of memoir. Thank you Louisa. I have read the post, it is informative. I really hope I will get more in the future from this site.
Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Previous Next. View Larger Image. My district actually rotated themes annually in such a way that students worked with a new theme each year and teachers had some variety as well. The terms are so abstract they might be a bit difficult to even explain. My favorite introduction activity is to try brainstorming as many examples as possible.
The key here is to allow for some awkward silence. Students will mine one path and sorta run out of ideas. Let them sit silently for 90 seconds and someone will come up with a new train of thought. These are statements about the Theme.
They are less abstract although still pretty applicable to most situations. Then, those students can present to the rest of the class or write an essay or create some other final product.
My favorite benefit of this tool, however, was how it impacted my own teaching. Organizing my instruction under a Universal Theme helped me to focus and, I think, develop much stronger lessons.
My science curriculum was a hot mess. I taught: heat transfer, earthquakes, volcanoes, types of clouds, electromagnetic spectrum, biomes, and more. Many works have universal themes, which are ones that are relevant to everyone. There are many universal themes in literature as well as life. After all, art imitates life — or is it the other way around?
A universal theme is one that focuses on an element of the human condition and deals with concepts or concerns of interest to members of the human race, regardless of where they live, their background, personality type, or other unique factors.
In other words, universal themes appeal to or have meaning to people regardless of individual or cultural differences. Universal themes focus on common aspects of existence that, in some way, impact all people. A theme is not a summary of characters or events. The main idea is the central, or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage. It states the purpose and sets the direction of the paragraph or passage. What is the difference between a topic and a main idea?
The topic is the general subject of a paragraph or essay. Topics are simple and are described with just a word or a phrase. The main idea is a complete sentence; it includes the topic and what the author wants to say about it. The main idea is usually a sentence, and it is usually the first sentence. The writer then uses the rest of the paragraph to support the main idea. First find the topic, then look for the main idea.