What happens if first ivf fails

Seek out other treatment, or testing and evaluation, under the caring and compassionate supervision of our medical, and support staff. Image: Pexels. Your eggs were not viable: Fertility drugs are administered to create an overstimulation of the ovaries. This results in the release of many oocytes, or eggs. When the eggs are retrieved, they are put together with the sperm to facilitate fertilization. Fertilization was not successful: In some cases fertilization simply does not occur.

This can be because of the quality of the eggs, or sperm. Embryo did not implant: There are two common reasons an embryo fails to implant. The first is because the uterine environment is inadequate to support the embryo.

Possibly due to the endometrium, scar tissue, or an undetected, pre-existing issue. The second reason embryos fail to implant is often because the embryo itself has a chromosomal abnormality. You may be compelled to look into other Houston fertility specialists, but first, consider the facts about your situation to ensure you are making the wisest decision for your future. Not all of the issues that may get in the way of the success of an IVF cycle can necessarily be corrected, but there are some that can be addressed and change the probability that the next cycle will result in pregnancy.

This production must occur to increase the chances of conception. This may be due to age, but also could have something to do with the existence of a high follicle stimulating hormone or low anti-mullerian hormone levels. As you most likely already know, the age of the female partner can majorly affect the possibility for successful conception.

As women age, they start to produce less eggs and the quality of these eggs begins to decline. Embryo quality. If there is an embryo transfer involved, the IVF could have failed because of an embryo implantation failure. This could actually either be due to an issue with the embryos or with the uterus. However, there is not a good, short answer.

Many couples will have a successful second IVF. The chances for that happening depends on many factors, including: Age of the female partner Egg quality and egg quantity Sperm quality Quality of the IVF ovarian stimulation — dependent on the skills of the physician controlling this process IVF lab quality Egg retrieval skills of the physician and overall efficiency of the egg pickup process Embryo transfer skills of your IVF doctor and ultrasound equipment and technician Number of eggs retrieved The cause of your infertility Uterine issues Embryo developmental rates , embryo quality, and rates of embryonic arrest during development in the lab Genetic and chromosomal competence of the embryos In order to maximize the chances for a successful second IVF try make sure that your doctor has carefully reviewed the issues above.

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Numerous sperm — at high magnification on a counting chamber. Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago. Fertility BLOG. Higher Standards - Proven Results. Read More. This process requires taking a biopsy from the embryo and testing the cells for their chromosome number. This allows the specialist to choose healthy embryos without the genetic problems which can stop them from growing.

If the eggs and embryos were healthy and no other issues are apparent, you may get the results you want with your second IVF cycle. Ask your doctor to give you an honest appraisal of your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. Finally, if you need to, you can alter your lifestyle to improve your chances of succeeding at IVF.


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