What is punkbuster services

This software installer includes files and is usually about It has an automatic update feature that enables the download of a database of new definitions of known cheat programs.

It functions as an antivirus, except that the PC checks ransomware and not malware to cheat programmes. It also checks if you have modified the game files. However, it does not work in the case of single-player games.

It is available on Mac, Linux , as well as Windows and, has been widely used in many popular online multiplayer games. Once PunkBuster is installed, it will always run in the background on your PC. However, it only starts working when:. If you do not satisfy the above-given conditions, then PunkBuster would not do anything more than downloading the definition updates. Step 1. Type appwiz. Step 2. Then on the programs list, scroll down to find PunkBuster Services and right-click on it to select Uninstall.

Step 3. Follow the on-screen prompts to uninstall the PunkBuster Services program. Then close the window. If you do need the PunkBuster program for some reason after uninstalling it, you can always download the software from the official PunkBuster download page.

Uninstalling unnecessary programs or apps is one of the most common and important tasks that all computer users need to do.

Here is a guide to remove them. What is PunkBuster? Now you should figure it out. Check the list of games that still use PunkBuster below. However, if you want to play their multi-player online modes, you will need to keep PunkBuster on your computer.

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