What is the difference between excel 2002 and 2007

This workbook contains Scenarios with references to cells outside of the row and column limits of the selected file format. These Scenarios will not be saved in the selected file format.

What it means A scenario in the worksheet refers to a cell outside the column and row limit of Excel 65, rows by columns , and is no longer available when you continue saving the workbook to file format of the earlier version of Excel.

What to do In the Scenario Manager, look for the scenario that contains a reference that falls outside the row and column limit of the earlier version of Excel, and then change the reference to a location within that limit. In the Scenarios box, locate the scenario that causes the compatibility issue, and then edit its reference.

This workbook contains dates in a calendar format that is not supported by the selected file format. These dates will be displayed as Gregorian dates. However, these calendar formats are not supported in Excel What to do To avoid loss of functionality, you should change the calendar format to a language or locale that is supported in Excel These dates must be edited by using the Gregorian calendar.

In Excel , these calendar types can only be edited in Gregorian. This workbook contains more cells with data than are supported in earlier versions of Excel. Earlier versions of Excel will not be able to open this workbook. What it means Beginning with Excel , the total number of available cell blocks CLBs is limited by available memory. A CLB includes 16 worksheet rows. If all rows in a worksheet contain data, you would have CLBs in that worksheet, and you could have only 16 such worksheets in a single instance of Excel regardless of how many workbooks you have open in Excel.

What to do To make sure that the workbook does not exceed the 64, CLB limit and that it can be opened in Excel , you should work in Compatibility Mode after you save the workbook to Excel file format. What it means In Excel , sparklines that show trends in a series of values are not displayed on the worksheet.

However, all sparklines remain available in the workbook and are applied when the workbook is opened again in Excel or later. What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate cells that contain sparklines, and then make the necessary changes. For example, you could apply conditional formatting instead of or in addition to the sparklines that won't be displayed in the earlier version of Excel.

Earlier versions of Excel do not support color formatting in header and footer text. The color formatting information will be displayed as plain text in earlier versions of Excel. What it means Beginning with Excel , you can apply color formatting to header and footer text. You cannot use color formatting in headers and footers in Excel What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Fix if you want to remove the color formatting.

This workbook contains worksheets that have even page or first page headers and footers. These page headers and footers cannot be displayed in earlier versions of Excel. What it means Beginning with Excel , you have the option to display different header and footer text on even pages or on the first page.

In Excel , even page or first page headers and footers cannot be displayed, but they remain available for display when you open the workbook in Excel and later again.

What to do If you frequently save a workbook to Excel file format, it is best not to specify even or first page headers or footers for that workbook. Some cells or styles in this workbook contain formatting that is not supported by the selected file format. These formats will be converted to the closest format available. What it means Beginning with Excel , different cell formatting or cell style options, such as special effects and shadows, are available.

These options are not available in Excel What to do When you continue saving the workbook, Excel applies the closest available format, which can be identical to another format you applied to something else. To avoid duplication of formats, you can change or remove the cell formatting and cell styles that are not supported before you save the workbook to Excel file format.

This workbook contains more unique cell formats than are supported by the selected file format. Some cell formats will not be saved. What it means Beginning with Excel , you can use 64, unique cell formats, but in Excel , you can only use up to 4, unique cell formats. Unique cell formats include any specific combination of formatting that is applied in a workbook.

What to do To avoid losing specific cell formats that you want to keep available in Excel , you can remove some cell formats that are not as important to keep. This workbook contains more unique font formats than are supported in the selected file format. Some font formats will not be saved. What it means Beginning with Excel , 1, global font types are available, and you can use up to of them per workbook. Excel supports less unique font formats.

What to do To avoid losing specific font formats that you want to keep available in Excel , you can remove some font formats that are not as important to keep. For more information about how to resolve one or more of these compatibility issues, see the following articles:. Move or copy cells and cell contents. Headers and footers in worksheets. Unsupported Excel table features can cause the following compatibility issues, leading to a minor loss of fidelity.

The table contains a custom formula or text in the total row. In earlier versions of Excel, the data is displayed without a table. What it means Although the formulas and text remain intact in Excel , the range will no longer be in table format. What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the table that contains a custom formula or text, remove that formula or text from the total row, and then use only formulas that are available in the total row.

A table in this workbook does not display a header row. What it means In Excel , a table cannot be displayed without a header row.

What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the table that is displayed without a header row, and then display a header row. A table style is applied to a table in this workbook. Table style formatting cannot be displayed in earlier versions of Excel. What it means In Excel , theme-based table styles are not available and cannot be displayed. What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the table that has a table style applied, remove that table style, and then format the table manually.

A table in this workbook is connected to an external data source. Table functionality will be lost, but the data remains connected. If table rows are hidden by a filter, they remain hidden in an earlier version of Excel. What it means Table functionality is lost in Excel What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the table that is connected to an external data source, and then disconnect the table from the external data source.

In Excel , you can then connect the data to the external data source again. Table functionality will be lost, as well as the ability to refresh or edit the connection. Alternative text is applied to a table in this workbook. Alternative text on tables will be removed in versions prior to Excel What it means Alternative text is not available in Excel , and cannot be displayed in these earlier versions of Excel.

What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the Excel table that contains alternative text. To display the alternative text in the earlier version of Excel, you can copy it into a blank cell on the worksheet, or you could insert a comment that contains the text. Right-click anywhere in the table, click Table , and then click Alternative Text. For more information about how to resolve one or more of these compatibility issues, see the following article:.

Create or delete an Excel table in a worksheet. Unsupported PivotTable features can cause the following compatibility issues, leading to a significant loss of functionality or a minor loss of fidelity. A PivotTable in this workbook exceeds former limits and will be lost if it is saved to earlier file formats. What it means Beginning with Excel , a PivotTable report supports 1,, unique items per field, but in Excel , only 32, items per field are supported.

Save the workbook to Excel format, and then re-create this PivotTable report in Compatibility Mode. A PivotTable in this workbook contains conditional formatting rules that are applied to cells in collapsed rows or columns.

To avoid losing these rules in earlier versions of Excel, expand those rows or columns. What it means Conditional formatting rules that are applied to cells in collapsed rows or columns will be lost in Excel What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the collapsed rows or columns that contain conditional formatting rules, and then expand those rows or columns before you save the workbook in an earlier Excel file format.

This workbook contains named sets which are not associated with a PivotTable. These named sets will not be saved. What it means Named sets that are not associated with a PivotTable will be removed in Excel What to do To avoid this issue, make sure that you create a PivotTable by using a connection. A PivotTable in this workbook has what-if analysis turned on. Any unpublished what-if changes will be lost in earlier versions of Excel.

What it means What-if analysis changes that are not published to the server are not displayed in the earlier version of Excel. What to do Make sure that you publish the what-if analysis changes before you open the workbook in an earlier version of Excel PivotTable Tools , Options tab, Tools group, What-If Analysis button.

A PivotTable in this workbook contains a data axis upon which the same measure appears more than once. This PivotTable will not be saved. The PivotTable cannot be displayed in Excel What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the PivotTable report that contains a data axis upon which more than one of the same measure appears, and then remove any duplicate measures so that only one measure remains.

A PivotTable or data connection in this workbook contains server settings which do not exist in earlier versions of Excel. Some PivotTable or data connection server settings will not be saved. What it means Some PivotTable or data connection server settings that are not available in Excel will be lost. What to do Verify that the server settings you use are compatible with earlier versions of Excel and then make the necessary changes PivotTable Tools , Options tab, Data group, Change Data Source button, Connection Properties command.

These custom outputs will not be saved, and will be replaced by the original values from the data source. Alternative text is applied to a PivotTable in this workbook. Alternative text on PivotTables will be removed in versions prior to Excel A PivotTable style is applied to a PivotTable in this workbook.

PivotTable style formatting cannot be displayed in earlier versions of Excel. What it means Theme-based PivotTable styles are not available in Excel and cannot be displayed. What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the PivotTable report that has a PivotTable style applied, remove that PivotTable style, and then manually apply PivotTable formatting that is supported in the earlier versions of Excel.

A PivotTable in this workbook will not work in versions prior to Excel What it means A PivotTable report you create in Excel and later cannot be refreshed in Excel What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the PivotTable report that is created in the current file format.

Save the workbook to Excel format, and then re-create this PivotTable report in Compatibility Mode so that you can open it in Excel without loss of functionality.

A PivotTable in this workbook has fields in compact form. In earlier versions of Excel, this layout will be changed to tabular form. What it means Compact form alone or in combination with tabular and outline form to keep related data from spreading horizontally off of the screen and to help minimize scrolling is not available in Excel , and fields will be displayed in tabular form.

A PivotChart in this workbook has specific field buttons enabled or disabled. All field buttons will be saved as enabled. What it means Field buttons that are not shown on a PivotChart will be saved as enabled when open and save the workbook in an earlier version of Excel.

Slicers will not work in earlier versions of Excel. What it means Slicers were not introduced until Excel What to do In the earlier version of Excel, you can use PivotTable filters to filter data. Slicers will not be saved. What it means Slicers are not supported in Excel and cannot be shown. When you refresh the connection or update a PivotTable, the filters that were applied by the slicers are no longer displayed, and the slicers will be lost. What to do Use PivotTable filters instead of slicers to filter the data.

A slicer style exists in this workbook, and is not supported in earlier versions of Excel. This slicer style will not be saved. What it means A custom slicer style will be lost when the workbook is saved to the file format of an earlier version of Excel. What to do Change the custom slicer style to a built-in slicer style before you save the workbook to an earlier Excel file format Slicer Tools , Options tab, Slicer Styles gallery.

A PivotTable in this workbook contains one or more fields that contain repeated labels. If the PivotTable is refreshed, these labels will be lost. Toggle navigation. Try the following steps: Create a new workbook called Compare. In cell A1 of the first worksheet in Compare. A1,"Different","" Copy the formula from A1 into all the other cells that represent the range you want to compare.

For instance, if you want to compare A1:G12 in both worksheets, then you would copy the formula from A1 into the full range of A1:G A1 The result is a worksheet that subtracts the values in one workbook from the other, which results in the numeric differences. Author Bio.

Discover More. Macros Run Fine Individually, but Not Collectively Developing macros can be rewarding, but it can also be challenging. Working with Other People's Files When you get files from other people, you may want a quick way to apply your formatting to their text.

More ExcelTips menu. Losing Data in a Shared Workbook When you create a shared workbook, you run the risk of losing some of the data in that workbook. Turning Off Sharing All good things must come to an end at some point. Opening a Workbook to a Specific Worksheet When you open a workbook, Excel displays the worksheet that was visible when the workbook was last saved. Hide my email address. What is three more than 0?

The next version added toolbars, drawing capabilities, outlining, add-in support, 3D charts, and many more new features. It included lots of usability features, such as AutoFill, which was first introduced in this version.

Excel version 5 marked a major upgrade. It included workbooks with multi-worksheets and support for VBA and Macros. These new features meant that Excel became more vulnerable to the macro virus attacks, which is something that would remain an issue all the way until the version. Known as Excel 95, it marked the first major bit version of Excel. Excel 5 also had a bit version, however due to distribution flaws it was not widely used. Feature-wise, Excel 95 is very similar to Excel 5. You may also be wondering why there is no Excel 6.

Starting from Excel 7, all Microsoft Office applications implemented the same version number, and thus the version numbering was changed. Remember Clippy, the annoying Office Assistant? He was part of this version as well. This is the first Excel to be part of Office XP. However, computers have developed a lot since Excel first launched in Our expert consultants understand the different capabilities of the different versions and are comfortable producing bespoke solutions for any of them.

These days, there are very few businesses who still run Excel , or Excel Excel is the original XP version of Excel and has very similar functionality to the latest releases. Before XP, Excel could not be fully integrated into the Windows experience e. Generally Excel is identical to However, if you are trying to create spreadsheets for Excel in the more recent versions of Excel, you should save files in xls format and not the newer defaults e. The new file types can only be opened in earlier versions once a compatibility pack has been installed.

Fortunately, the old xls format has very few downsides although the files tend to be slightly larger. We also recommend not using too much color when developing files for early versions of Excel.

Until Office , Excel had a very limited color palette and, although it will attempt to color match, sometimes the results can be very ugly. More recent versions of Excel are visually very different to the earlier versions.


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