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Premium Sociology Words 3 Pages. A Computer Smarter Than Me? However, current management practice is not restricted to scientific management practices alone.
Elements of scientific management still used include:. Using time and motion studies. Hiring best qualified workers. This group of writers, who focused on the entire organization, developed more general theories of what managers do and what constitutes good management practice. Henri Fayol and Max Weber were the two most prominent proponents of the general administrative approach. Henri Fayol, who was a contemporary of Frederick W.
Taylor, was the managing director of a large French coal-mining firm. Fayol focused on activities common to all managers. He described the practice of management as distinct from other typical business functions. He stated 14 principles of management fundamental or universal truths of management that can be taught in schools; see Exhibit and PowerPoint slide Weber developed a theory of authority structures and described organizational activity based on authority relations.
He described the ideal form of organization as a bureaucracy marked by division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules and regulations, and impersonal relationships see Exhibit Some current management concepts and theories can be traced to the work of the general administrative theorists. Some bureaucratic mechanisms are necessary in highly innovative organizations to ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively.
The quantitative approach to management , sometimes known as operations research or management science , uses quantitative techniques to improve decision making. T hi s approach includes applications of statistics, optimization models, information models, and computer simulations.
The quantitative approach originated during World War II as mathematical and statistical solutions to military problems were developed for wartime use. As often happens after wartime, methods that were developed during World War II to conduct military affairs were applied to private industry following the war.
For instance, a group of military officers—the Whiz Kids—used quantitative methods to improve decision making at Ford Motor Company in the mids. The quantitative approach has contributed most directly to managerial decision making, particularly in planning and controlling. The availability of sophisticated computer software programs has made the use of quantitative techniques more feasible for managers.
The field of study concerned with the actions behaviors of people at work is organizational behavior. Organizational behavior OB research has contributed much of what we know about human resources management and contemporary views of motivation, leadership, trust, teamwork, and conflict management. Their ideas served as the foundation for employee selection procedures, motivation programs, work teams, and organization-environment management techniques.
See Exhibit for a summary of the most important ideas of these early advocates. The Hawthorne Studies were the most important contribution to the development of organizational behavior. After Harvard professor Elton Mayo and his associates joined the study as consultants, other experiments were included to look at redesigning jobs, make changes in workday and workweek length, introduce rest periods, and introduce individual versus group wage plans.
The researchers concluded that social norms or group standards were key determinants of individual work behavior. Although not without criticism concerning procedures, analyses of findings, and the conclusions , the Hawthorne Studies stimulated interest in human behavior in organizational settings. The behavioral approach assists managers in designing jobs that motivate workers, in working with employee teams, and in facilitating the flow of communication within organizations.
The behavioral approach provides the foundation for current theories of motivation, leadership, and group behavior and development. During the s researchers began to analyze organizations from a systems perspective based on the physical sciences.
A system is a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole.