If you are with someone having a tonic-clonic seizure where the body stiffens, followed by general muscle jerking , try to:. After the seizure, if the person is having trouble breathing or they need to sleep, take them out of the chair and put them in the recovery position. If their breathing difficulties continue, call an ambulance and closely monitor the person. Be prepared to perform CPR if they stop breathing. If you have a seizure, your doctor will advise you in relation to driving, the use of dangerous machinery, working above ground level and general safety issues.
Some people choose to wear a specially designed medical alert bracelet or pendant with epilepsy information, in case of an accident. Another option is to carry medical information in your wallet. If you have a seizure or are diagnosed with epilepsy, your doctor will inform you that you cannot drive. How long this period will last will depend on many things including:. If you meet certain criteria later on, you will be able to drive again — safely and legally.
If you do not meet those criteria, your licence may not be renewed, or you may be issued a conditional licence. In Victoria, this means informing VicRoads. Driving against medical advice is illegal and dangerous to you, your passengers and the general public. There are many safety factors to consider as seizures often occur without warning. Learn more about seizures and driving in Victoria. If a seizure happens in water, it can lead to a life threatening situation.
People take risks every day, but people who have seizures may have to deal with different risks. By becoming aware of potential risks and ways these can be lessened, activities can be safer and most people with epilepsy can live full and active lives. Injuries and accidents tend to occur more around the home than anywhere else.
There are many ways you can make your home safer. Try doing a few things like:. Keep your safety precautions sensible and relevant, with a balance between risk and restrictions. Take the time to think about your home, work and leisure activities. What may be potential dangers if a seizure occurs?
How can you reduce the risk of harm to yourself or others? There are many practical ways you can easily improve the safety of your environment. Most seizures last less than 2 minutes. However, some people with epilepsy tend to have severe or life-threatening seizures. For these people, seizures may be prolonged or happen in clusters. In some people these severe seizures can happen regularly. These situations are considered seizure emergencies.
This medication can be prescribed by your neurologist. SUDEP deaths are often unwitnessed, with many of the deaths occurring overnight. Researchers are investigating a range of possibilities such as the effect of seizures on breathing and the heart. Many last only a few minutes and stop on their own. Still, it can be alarming to see a child having a seizure, and it helps to know what to do. Seizures can take many forms, from staring spells to involuntary movements of the arms and legs.
Some signs a child might be having a seizure are:. If someone is nearby, ask them to call your child's doctor. If no one is with you, follow the steps below and then call the doctor:. If you notice these symptoms and believe you are about to experience a seizure, try to get someplace safe where you will not get injured if you lose consciousness.
If you are around others, tell them you think you might be experiencing a seizure so they can look for warning signs and help you stay safe.
Most of the time a seizure does not require urgent medical attention. The best thing you can do is make sure the person is safe and comfortable and will not get injured during the seizure by:. Contrary to what you may have seen in the movies, there are also things you should never do when someone is having a seizure.
Most seizures last between 30 seconds and two minutes and will not require any emergency medical attention. However, if someone is experiencing a seizure that lasts longer than two minutes, or they lose consciousness and it does not come back right after the seizure, you should call right away.
Find out as much as you can about what happened during the seizure from someone who was there. Neuroscience Blog. Another shopper is on the floor—convulsing. What should you do? In fact, as many as 5. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which patients suffer from recurrent seizures.