After completing this article, readers should be able to:. Review the mechanisms that control water excretion and maintain normal plasma osmolality. Describe the major causes of hyponatremia in children. All rights reserved. You do not currently have access to this content. Comments Icon Comments 0. View full article. Sign in Don't already have an account? Individual Login.
Institutional Login. Sign in via OpenAthens. Pay-Per-View Access. Buy This Article. View Your Tokens. View Metrics. These volume receptors are located in the right atria and great veins and respond to the transmural pressure in the the walls of these vessels. But when stimulated they cause ADH levels to be much higher than that seem with osmoreceptor stimulation. Hypovolaemia is a more potent stimulus for ADH release than is hyperosmolality. A hypovolaemic stimulus to ADH secretion will override a hypotonic inhibition and volume will be conserved at the expense of tonicity.
The high pressure baroreceptors input to the hypothalamus via adrenergic pathways. These baroreceptors are located in the carotid sinus and respond to changes in mean arterial blood pressure. The input to the hypothalamus from the volume receptors and the high pressure baroreceptors rarely conflicts as hypovolaemia tends to be associated with hypotension and vice versa.
Infusion of AVP increases systemic vascular resistance and thereby elevates arterial pressure. Some studies have shown that low-dose infusions AVP which are used in septic shock also cause cerebral, pulmonary and renal dilation mediated by endothelial release of nitric oxide while constricting other vascular beds.
Vasopressin: physiology and clinical use in patients with vasodilatory shock: a review. The Netherlands Journal of Medicine , Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts Richard E.