Which ad counters sivir

Close sidebar. Sivir Counters. Filter by. All Matchups. Who Counters Sivir. Who Sivir Counters. Sivir Team Synergies. Our Methods. Guide to Countering Sivir. Building armor is a good idea to block most of Sivir's physical damage. Her higher damage output and ability to close quickly when the odds turn in her favor means that she can control the flow of the battle and do what she wants. Furthermore, Sivir counters all hook supports, such as Blitz, Thresh, and Nautilus.

Most Popular Matchups League of Legends most often picked champions vs Sivir, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity. Lucian Purifier. Jhin Virtuoso. Champions Good With These champions are good to pick with, as they synergize and work well when played together. Leona Radiant Dawn. Soraka Starchild. Taric Shield of Valoran. Champions That Sivir Counters These are the Best Matchups and should avoid being picked if you are trying to counter pick. Ezreal The Prodigal Explorer.

Xayah The Rebel. Lucian The Purifier. Xayah Rebel. Miss Fortune Bounty Hunter. Ashe Frost Archer. Varus Arrow of Retribution. Similar picks. Lucian Build Guide [ I recommend to ban her because she has spellshield that blocks even your traps, your E , your Q and Ult.

If you want to trade with her, you must dodge her Q. After level 6, try to get close to her and then you can kill her with your R. Midorima's Vayne Guide Patch 9. Your all in is stronger too. Your cc is getting countered by the shield and you loose the advantage. Ashe forgotten botlane Queen by Kicaj Ashe Player. Probably a very good ban, if you meet her more often!

M7 Jhin Build Since it protects her from only one spell, try to land a Q ond her, then use your W to stun her.

As far as trade is concerned, you can easily outtrade Sivir. Also your bonus speed from crit can help you run away when she ults. Oh, and give your best to avoid her Q, since it will deal a lot of damage if it hits you two times.

Depending on your support this might not be that big of a problem. Anyway, in all seriousness, her spell shield isn't an issue if she blows it early, as she may forget about your E. Even if she remembers it, chase her until it goes away and then shoot. You will get the cheap kill. As for an offensive Sivir, you may have a hard time with Richochet, but there isn't really a good way to dodge it and pick up your CS at the same time.

Sivir herself isn't too bad considering you can pop her spell shield with every ability. Just be sure to poke her out before you decide to fight. You Belong In A Museum! Dodge her boomerang both ways, and avoid standing with your minions to avoid her bounce damage. Stay aware of when she has her ultimate, and make use of her poor range. Sivir players love to push, so if she overextends, call for a gank.

Nyahr Kai'Sa Player. Make sure to wait with your E, until she has used her spellshield. Your E is the only ability she can spellshield. Season 9 Vayne guide! Purge With Silver 9. Xayah's Q can break her spell shield twice, and root would be easy to land after baiting it out. Pacu's guide to Kindred as an ADC 9.

It's a straight forward match-up. When it gets later into the game use Blade of the Ruined King to pop her spell shield or rend early if you can land your Q with PTA active. Her Q does ton of damage early. If she has a cc support it will be hard to farm against her but if not you can win in 2v2. You outscale past one item so she can only really goon squad with ult and her team.

Should otherwise be quite an easy matchup, just dodge her Q poke, and take short trades to avoid taking to much damage. Try to get her spell shield with your W so you can chunk her with your Q. Diamond Lucian guide not done yet by dravenfizz Diamond Lucian Player.

Never try to engage when her spell shield is available. Her boomerang blade can deal a lot of damage if it hits a single target, try keep your distance and only close the distance when she wastes her boomerang blade. Her ultimate is both a good disengage and engage tool. Expect it to be used when the enemy jungler ganks, or if the enemy bot lane is losing the fight.

Not to mention she counters many CC supports and your spells. Try and put her behind or get your jungler to gank. Patch 9.

If you Bait the spellshield before engaging you always win. Unless sivir reach late game and beeing fed, she can't Hypercarry against a late game Kalista. She has good lane control and can keep the wave pushed really easily with her w. Her spellshield can prevent you from rooting her with your W, try to bait it out with Q or have your support throw an ability out. Be aware of her splitpushing, even if Sivir is behind, her splitpush game is very good and can gain her team the advantage due to the extra lane pressure.

Snipe snipe snipe! Other than that, she is pretty easy to burst. Jinx - A Simple Guide [Patch 9. Her early game sucks, but don't get cocky.

If you can catch up to her when she uses On The Hunt, go in for it, and root her. Best sneaky killer by Numresunw Diamond Twitch Player. You can bait out her spell shield by waiting for it to go away then throwing a Q, or even looking like you are about to go after the support then immediately Q the Sivir. If the enemy has fast reactions, hitting abilities will become a chore.

Try to sneak Qs on minions while autoing to confuse her to pop her E early. Don't engage with your E. Vayne Guide Patch 9. Carefull, her shield blocks the damage of your E! You can't really play around this so try to have your support make an opening for you when they make her waste her spell shield. However, the cooldown is noticeably longer than yours, so you should be able to bully her pretty well.

She will either play two ways; farm all game, or she will waste all her mana trying to poke you with her q. If she does the latter, be sure to dodge the q and all in her with your support as soon as she runs out of mana. Be careful for her e spell shield, because it will give her mana back. Jhin Guide by jster Diamond Jhin Player. You can use bork to destroy her spell-shield if you want to e her.

If he has shield up engage with R first then E. Season 9. She gets oom pretty fast, so you can take that to your advantage. You also have a higher auto attack range than her so you can bully her with auto attacks.

You should use your mid game powerspike to end the game before she can get into late. Has no early damage, but a good disengage with her Ultimate and her E. Has some strong late game damage too.

Its pretty bad for you since you need an early back to get your Tear and she can prevent you from that. Ashe deals big damage by Ch33syB0y8 Ashe Player. You lose every all-in until about 4 items in. She is extremely good at farming and clearing waves, so she can shove you under tower, take your tower, and be up 50 cs on you. There really isn't much you can do here.

Don't let her CS; have your support zone her and pressure her with Fishbones or all-ins. During late game, you easily outdamage her. Jinx by qasddsa Diamond Jinx Player. You are squishy so taking all that damage won't be fun for you.

Generally I'd go for the tankier build against her. Sivir is reported to be doing great against Miss Fortune spell shield from E to block her Q, movement speed from R to dodge her R, at least equally good aoe dmg so maybe play that, she is also easy to play. Poke her when you can. Carrier ADC Patch 8.


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