The increment, step, in seq is 0 or has the wrong sign. You attempted to reference a variable or use a function where it is not valid. In Seq mode, you attempted to graph a phase plot without defining both equations of the phase plot. In Seq mode, you attempted to graph a recursive sequence without having input the correct number of initial conditions. In Seq mode, you attempted to reference terms other than n N 1 or n N 2. You attempted to designate a graph style that is invalid within the current graph mode.
You attempted to use Select without having selected turned on at least one xyLine or scatter plot. The error can be corrected by turning off the stat plots. To turn the stat plots off, press y , and then select 4:PlotsOff. You specified a list dimension as something other than an integer between 1 and You specified a matrix dimension as something other than an integer between 1 and The solve function or the equation solver has exceeded the maximum number of permitted iterations.
If the equation has a solution, change the bounds, or the initial guess, or both. The label in the Goto instruction is not defined with a Lbl instruction in the program. The calculator has been disabled for testing. Memory is insufficient to perform the instruction or function. You must delete items from memory before executing the instruction or function. Attempting to create a matrix with larger than cells.
You may skip the item or exit receive mode. A message indicates the number of bytes the sending unit must delete to do the memory backup. Delete items and try again. You attempted to store to a window variable in another graphing mode or to perform an instruction while in the wrong mode; for example, DrawInv in a graphing mode other than Func. The solve function or the equation solver did not detect a sign change.
In Real mode, the result of a calculation yielded a complex result. You attempted to enter, or you have calculated, a number that is beyond the range of the graphing calculator. If the equation has a solution, change the bounds or the initial guess or both. You attempted to display a graph when a stat plot that uses an undefined list is turned on.
The command contains a syntax error. Look for misplaced functions, arguments, parentheses, or commas. For example stdDev list [, freqlist ] might be entered as stdDev L1 or stdDev L1,L2 since the frequency list or freqlist is optional. You requested a tolerance to which the algorithm cannot return an accurate result. You referenced a variable that is not currently defined. Electrical interference caused a link to fail or this graphing calculator is not authorised to run the application.
You have tried to archive a variable that cannot be archived or you have tried to unarchive an application or group. You have attempted to receive an incompatible variable version from another graphing calculator.
A programme may contain commands not supported in the OS version on your graphing calculator. Always use the latest OS. You defined Xmax Xmin or Ymax Ymin. Window variables are too small or too large to graph correctly. A point or a line, instead of a box, is defined in ZBox. The error can be corrected by turning off the stat plots. To turn the stat plots off, press y , and then select 4:PlotsOff.
Syntax errors are mistakes in using the language. Examples of syntax errors are missing a comma or a quotation mark, or misspelling a word. There is no one good window range for all graphs, since graphs can have different areas of interest. This will restore the window settings to the default range, which will at least allow the graph to be displayed. When a graph is displayed on your TI Plus calculator, three options appear at the bottom of the screen. The Shades option redraws the graph shading only at the union or intersection of the regions.
Window range error or zoom error. Change the window parameters Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax so that the window is larger or smaller, depending on the graph. Change the input to a valid value. You can use your TI Plus calculator to find the zeroes of a function.