What do they mean? Example: 1 This item needs to be handled carefully. It must not be 6 Change the instructions in 5 into the active form, Example: 1 You need to handle this item carefully. You mustn't Task 7 Three safety procedures have become mixed up. Work in pairs, A and B, Put all the notes together under the best headings in the best order. Each procedure has eight steps. Student A: turn to page to find your set of notes. Student B: use the notes below.
Decide on a plan to rescue the diver. Mike and Ben are scuba divers. They go in their motorboat about 2 ikm from land and drop anchor, Mike dives down to a shipwreck on the seabed. Ben stays on the boat. Mike has an accident, and injures his leg. After some time, Ben knows that Mike has a problem. He dives to look for Mike. Number the points in the order in which they are mentioned.
Listen and number these notes in the correct order. B: You should locate them and mark their position. Safety helmets must be worn at all times. People think safety helmets should be orange. In my opinion, they should be yellow. New first aid equipment should be purchased immediately.
Give old information, new information and action. Include six recommendations in the new information, Choose six items from the table in 3, or give some of your own ideas for recommendations. Match the directions with the maps. Fy EL 1 take the second turning on the left 2. Turn right at the second set, turn right into Market Street. Don't tum eft here. Take the second turning con the tet You'l see a police station on your let. Ifyou cross a bridge over the river, you've gone Do a U-turn, Go back across the bridge.
Then far. Reading 3 Read this email and mark TurboTech on the map. At the roundabout, take the second exit we drive onthe lft inthe UK! Then go straight ahead. Youll pass a lake on your et After the lake, youl see the TuboTech sign. Take the frst road on your left, and TurboTech is on your right. Note: the university is in acountry which drives on the left. Speaking 5 Workin pairs, A and B. Give each other telephone directions to places on the map in 4.
Turn to page Task 6 Work in pairs. List three local places you know. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. The purpose of a hydrophone is to — signals under water, 3. What do you think isthe function of each itein of the diver's equipment? Take turns with your partner to describe the function of each item of equipment. Use the correct form of the verbs. Equipment Function 1 demand valve control the flow of oxygen to the diver for 2. Supply the questions in this interview about the Man Overboard alarm system oon page 41 So tell us about your invention, What's 1?
Well, it's for finding people when they fall off a boat into the water. Hold on a minute. What exactly 4 Ahydrophone is a transducer which ean detect signals under water. I see. The crew and their family. OK, s0 fell me about the pod. It's quite small. You wear it on your belt. It has a clip. Discuss with a partner, 6 Write a description of the four devices in 5. Note: the campus is in a country which drives on the right.
Can you tell me how to gat there, please? I'll be coming along " Ave NE from the south. Bill 9 Change these instructions into the passive. You must never pull them down. Student A 1 Turn to page Describe the object and ask Student B to draw it.
Then check B's drawing. Does it look like your object? Listen to Student B's description of an object, and draw it from their description, Shew your drawing to B. Student B 1 Listen to Student A's description of an object, and draw it from their description, Show your drawing to A.
Describe your object and ask Student A to draw it. Then check A's drawing. Discuss these questions about the fire extinguisher. Make notes of your answers. Why are these properties important here? Why does it have a sharp point? Use your notes and add any other information you know. Find out about an important device or piece of equipment used in your technical field. Start here Listening Services 1 3 Technical support What problems have you had with computers? What were your solutions?
Work with a partner. Decide on the best solutions to these computer problems 1 You can't log into your company network from home. A website says Cuicx Heer To see pxoro, You click, but nothing happens. Her colleagues are trying to connect their home computers to the company network.
They phone Lisa with their problems. Complete the statements with the verbs in the box. Your email program be blocking the attachments. Write P after the statement. Complete the statements. You must have broken it. Use language from above. Diagnosis: your switch is probably broken. Suggestion: change it D:it's possible your cable is loose. Try changing it. Brainstorm some ideas in groups.
Task 2. Discuss these ideas for safer skyscrapers with your group. Our report is attached. Please let me know if you need clarification of the client to do? Write pirector a number from the diagram in 2 enc. Report on Safety Medications to next to each job report. Three walkways 8 Change the sentences in the report in 6 into the active.
Example: 1 We built three walkways between the towers to allow people to cross, over. Refer to the table your group completed meeting between client and contractor. In your group, roleplay a Speaking 9 Appoint one member of your group to be the client, John Hu. The other group members are a team of contractors working for Safety Designs Ltd.
Start here Listening Task 3 Dealing with complaints 1 What are the most common customer complaints in your technical field? How should staff deal with a complaint from a customer? Make some guidelines for staff in note form. Note down the details in the complaints form. Date and time of cal Look at the company handbook below.
Which procedures are a followed b broken by the staff? Roleplay a phone call between service staff and a customer with a complaint.
Before you start, study the audio script of the phone call in 3 on page Student A, You're the customer. Make notes about your device and what is, wrong with it. Include a model name, number and an order number.
Then call customer services. Student B, You work in customer service. Draw up a customer complaints form like the one in 3. Then take the call from the customer and deal with their complaint. I was sorry to hear that the top surface of the machine was scratched and the edge was cracked. However, Tam pleased to inform you that we will give you your money back in full. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries. What does the writer offer to do? Which words a show sympathy b give an apology?
Which words introduce a good news b bad news? Reply to this letter. When opened the box, the adapter was missing. This is vary poor series Indeed look forward to hearing from you.
Make notes or draw simple diagrams. How can the energy of sea waves be converted into electrical power? It shows one method of converting wave energy into electrical power. First, there is 1 motion. The third type is Qe motion, which swings from side to side like a pendulum. Scanning 6 Practise your speed reading. Find out about one of these wave energy systems. Prepare a presentation about your system. Group 1. Turn to page for your notes about the Wave Energy Buoy.
Turn to page for your notes about the Wave Power Station. Turn to page for your notes about the WaveRoller. Writing Write a description of your group's system, explaining how it works. Draw arrows to show all the movements inthis diagram of an internal-combustion engine cylinder, 2.
Describe the motion of all the moving parts in the diagram. Fusteigntes Reading 5 Read this description of the four-stroke cycle. Check your answers to 4. The cycle begins at fop dead centre TDC. There are four strokes ofthe piston. The crankshaft rotates. This makes the piston move down the cylinder, away from the valves.
At the same time, the cam above the intake valve rotates. This makes the valve move downwards, «which opens the intake port. As the piston moves down, fuel is sucked into the cylinder through this inlet.
As the crankshaft rotates, it makes the piston move up the chamber towards the valves, Simultaneously, the cam above the intake valve rotates and allows i to close, Both valves are now. As the piston moves up towards the valves, it compresses the fuel. Now the piston is once again at TOC. The compressed fuel i ignited by the spark plug, and there. Immediately after thi, the gases expand inthe cylinder, which pushes the piston doninwards.
As the crankshaft rotates, It pushes the piston up the cylinder. At the same time, the cam above the exhaust valve pushes the valve downwards. This opens the exhaust port, and the burnt gases are 1 pushed out. When the spark plug ignites, the gases explode. As often indicates that two actions happen simultaneously, i. When or as can sometimes be used with the same meaning when it's difficult to decide if two acti s are simultaneous or in rapid sequence, e.
At the same time, the exhaust valve opens. Immediately afterwards, there is an explosion. This makes the piston move down with great force. Simultaneously, the cam pushes the intake valve downwards. This allows the fuel to enter the cylinder. Immediately after this, it creates a vacuum in the cylinder. Soon afterwards, it puts the fuel under high pressure. This helps the gases to expand rapidly after ignition.
At the same time, the piston moves up towards it. This forces the burnt gases out of the engine. Example: 1 As the piston moves up, the exhaust valve opens, which lets the burnt gases escape. The upthrust is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. As a liquid evaporates, it absorbs takes in heat.
Use the two principles from 1 Seems vow [ime [sou Reading 3 Read this description of a heat pump, and complete the diagram below. During cold weather, it extracts heat from the outside ar, and transfers ie into the building During hot weather, the heat pump reverses this operation, and transfers heat from inside the building to the outside.
The cols are thin pipes which are bent in a U shape many times. They can absorb and give out heat. The reftigeranc is under high [pressure as it flows fom the compressor to the condenser.
The fluid chen passes through. Here the pressute is suddenly reduced and che Duid expands. This makes it evaporate.
As the fluid passes around the evaporator cols, ic absorbs heat from the surrounding sis, making it cold. Then the fluid flows back to the compresso In cold weather, the outside coil acts as the evaporator and the inside col acs as the condenser.
The fluid in the evaporator is under low pressure, and soit evaporates. The fan pulls the outside aie over the evaporator and the fluid absorbs heat ftom it. The compressor then pumps the heated fluid into the building under high pressure o the condenser. The second fan blows air over the condenser, and the heated air is blown inco the building.
Discuss this geothermal pump. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. My password was rejected, B: Your network system must be 1 remember w the wrong password. You might have 2 checked the RemenBee password box. Try the stock ror-urs option in your firewall and then your cache.
B: A cordless phone or other device might be 11 , the connection. Or why the router to another location? Why st. Tell the class. Se A aaa age El 5 Put these sentences into the correct order. The vacuum opens the fuel valve, When it reaches the top, the spark plug fires. This compresses the fue! As the crankshaft rotates, it drives the piston up. Meanvihile, the piston moves up towards the top of the cylinder. Use when or as where possible to j other words such as meanwhile.
You can also use 1 sparkplug res 7 piston uncovers exhaust port 2 tual ignites 8 piston eeaches bottom of cylinder 3 this drives piston down 9 Piston uncovers transfer port 4 piston moves down fuel lows trom erankoase 5 compresses fuel in crankcase 11 fuel lows into cylinder 6 piston movos down more This drives the piston down. My new washing machine has break down 2. Complete the report, Use the passive throughout.
Joints and connections were inspected. Finally ent an ema to customer services. The washing machine wae away thie morning, one week late. Misha Willams. Discuss the two types of Stirling engine.
Decide how they work. Write a description of the two engines, and how they work. Project Find out about an important engine or piece of equipment used in your industry.
Discuss in pairs. How long is the route approximately? Read this blog and check your answers to 1 ae Team4Tour esa 27 Novonber omen here Hello. Welcome to Taam4Tour, the blog of my cycling group. We'te a team of six racing cyclists, and right now We're cycling around the Tour de France route, which is km.
We're not competing in the actual race this year maybe next year. Click here to see a summary ofthe distances we hope to cover every day. We've brought some fantastic measurement devices with us click here to see one. To, see my bike maintenance schedule, click here. Day 3 Now weve come th i day, which moans almost one sith fhe we orf wery easiere ti Norborn ance ar wee gon fo ave ae ay tororew Pow Josroce Trencoricerncron Dr coe ieanodsreaah One Som oe smb 7 pete ate sine ee , My measuring device has a 5-om display which shows many different meast Features are tho odometer to measure the distance travel , the tachometer for measuring my speed , the allimefer which measures my alitude and the barometer or measuring atmospheric pressure The spaed and distance data are sent wirelessly from a sensor mounted onthe front ofthe bik.
Every tenth ride or when Wash and dry bike, Apply 6 careful to chain and gears. Check that here's no Bais wat libreant onthe whe! Answer these questions on the text, 1 What instruments provide data to measure: 1 How fast am I cycling? Acyelist has completed km in two days of cycling. Vocabulary 4 Match the sports measuring instruments with the other items in the table. What do you use for measuring your power output?
What does kPa stand for? What's the abbreviation for beats per second? What's a tachometer used for? What does a barometer measure?
Make a table. Use the headings from 4. Ask and answer questions about it, as in 5. Use approximate fractions. Example: I've completed just under two thirds of my training. Reading 9 Read the text and answer the questions below. Should the battery be serviced now? The driver has inspected the brakes nine times. The last time was three months ago.
Should the brakes be inspected again now? Why not? With a partner, write a definition of a sensor. Use these or other words. What are the engineers trying to measure? The first dummy is used for front impact crashes, and the second one is a side impact crash dummy. The dummies, which are made of steel, aluminium and rubber, contain many sensors. The dummy necks contain load sensors to detect the bending forces, shear forces and tension forces, which put pressure on the neck in a crash.
Vocabulary 6 Match the diagrams with a the names of the forces and b their descriptions. All the words in the phrases must be nouns. You can change words and add information.
Task 10 List some sensors used in your industry. Complete a table like this one. If possible, work in small groups with others from the same industry.
Application high-rise buildings, bridges, roads 11 Explain to the class about the sensors you have listed in your table. They're used in high-rise buildings, bridges and roads, for example.
What is GPS? Every 12 hours, a satelite makes an orbit, or one complete cycle in space around the Earth. The satellites transmit signals to receivers on the ground. For instance, you can now buy one Which is as small as an MP3 player. How does the system work? Each satellite sends a signal to the receiver at the speed of light. This signal tells the receiver its exact location. This gives the distance D from the receiver tothe so satelite, However, to find out your exact location that s, your longitude, latitude, and altitude , your ecelver needs signals from at least three satelites.
The receiver is able to calculate its exact location to within 6 m by comparing the three different signals. Choose the correct calculation according to the text. What do these systems calculate? Choose the most important 2. The footnotes on this web page are in the wrong order. Choose from these meanings: and, but, for example, in other words. I need to know the alttude of the planes. This instrument can show.
Use the nouns in the box and add any necessary words. Before you touch the liquid, you should check how hot it is. Use the word s in brackets, 1 Allacroplanes carry altimeters. These devices measure air pressure. From this reading, the altimeter can calculate the height of the plane above sea level. This allows the crew to find out the location of the ships. Allidar system can work out the distance of a vehicle from the device.
It takes many readings as the vehicle approaches. From this it can calculate the speed of the vehicle. Since the system knows the speed of the sound signal, it can calculate the distance of the plane from the airport tower. Choose one that interests you. Some examples of the use of GPS include: police, fire and emergency medical services; forest fire prevention; surveying and construction; tunnel digging; bridge building; mining; company cars; delivery vans; dealing with environmental disasters such as oil spills in the sea; air-sea rescue services; agriculture; animal herding; tracking endangered species; hiking and camping; sailing.
This is a bridge in a severe storm, minutes before it collapsed. Identify the forces acting on it. Reading 3. This indicates Secured with evo camps, oneateach end. The yield poin che point where the test Fig. The purpose of the tensile strength test The material is secured Is this material elastic or plastic when itis stretched? Does this metal break when you strike it with a force of 10, newtons? Example: I The purpose of the test isto discover if this metal deforms easily when itis hammered.
Use all the words from 6. Choose one of the following tests on parts of a bicycle: 1 the wheel, 2 the saddle, 3 the frame. Discuss how to do the test. Make notes. Use the notes from your group work. Write your description of the test under three headings. Discuss these questions. Some solutions 8. Strengthening buildings 8.
Adding dampers 3 Listen again and tick all the signpost phrases you hear. Note: signpost phrases give directions to the listeners. They tell the listeners where they are in the talk. Label them Fig. The single diagonal is able to resist both tension and compression. It's placed between the floors of a building. It strengthens the vertical columns and walls. I's nota solid plate or slab. It consists of many steel triangles. In an earthquake, the connection doesn't move, but remains at right angles.
The angle cannot be changed. The column, and beam must be made of strong but flexible materials. It forms a wall with no windows or other openings.
Its usually placed around a lift shaft or stair wel. Language Here are some ways of expressing ability and inability when talking about properties: Active: These steel cables can resist tension.
They are able to resist tension, Passive: This plastic can be stretched, but it cannot be compressed. Some adjectives have the suffixes -able and -ible with a passive meaning, e. Negative prefixes, e. The single diagonal js able to resist both tension and compression. This plastic is heat-resistant and inflexible.
This phone number will be yours alone. If you want to use Pinger instead of a native texting application, you must instruct all of your contacts to use your Pinger number instead of your cell phone number. This might not be an issue if you don't use your phone for voice calls or if you only text on your iPod Touch.
Pinger is available for nearly every device and operating system. You can sync multiple devices through a single Pinger account. If your phone is in another room and you receive a text, the message is retrievable through the Pinger desktop app. You can reply to the message this way as well. All the messages will also be on your phone, so you won't have to backtrack to keep the conversation going as you move from phone to laptop to tablet.
Pinger boasts a "buzzword" feature you probably don't have in your native texting app. George is a digital marketer. He likes to share his experience with informative articles. He has been in the business for more than 5 years and he has a lot of experience in digital marketing and SEO.
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