Learn more about our guidelines Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page. Newest First. Violation Reported. Won't hurt baby a bit. They have lots of sound insulation and cushioning in there! I'm doing it. Just drinking plenty of water and taking it slow:.
I still do all this. Like others have said, just stay hydrated. Your Guide to the First Trimester of Pregnancy. Your Guide to the Second Trimester of Pregnancy. This is my first pregnancy and thankfully I'm not enormous, even though I feel like I am sometimes lol and I do feel ok most of the time which is something not everyone this far along can say.
Anyway, I was at my friends house the other day Latest: 5 months ago Smithdonlan. Our home is an old family home hat we purchased from my husbands grandparents. My husbands grandfather WTE Must Reads.
Jump to Your Week of Pregnancy. Pregnancy Week. Trending On What to Expect. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Moms Discuss Family Planning.
Welcome to the What to Expect community! Report as Inappropriate. Do you mean ingesting it? Sounds like a bad idea. If you don't know if it will harm your baby, then don't do it. Helpful - 0. Lol no like yard work, cutting the grass with a weedeeater and trimming all the edges of the yard.
Aslong as your not stressing yourself out If you have a big yard I suggest half at a time Weedeaters are pretty lightweight so I don't see why not I still garden pregnant My husband has always cut the grass so I wouldn't know Ask your Dr if there is any restrictions with yard work.
I don't see why you couldn't. If your not high risk you can do everything you used to do before you got pregnant. Thanks ladies I just wasn't sure if the vibrations and loud noise would affect my baby in any way. I am 39 wks pregnant and still cutting the grass I mowed and edged our lawn through my whole pregnancy. I wouldn't hesitate to do it I weedeat I'm a farm girl though, I do a lot of things!
My DH has been mowing out acreage this year, but when I was prego with DD it was uncomfortable at the end to use the rider I don't think weedeating would be bad though Join now to personalize. June Birth Club Safe if I use the weedeater? Original poster's comments 2. See all replies 1. If you feel up to it, go for it!