In this spot, I was never attacked by surrounding NPCs but some players did run through my casts a couple times. If that doesn't bother you, I think it was a great spot. At one point, I did fish out of a Mauve Stinger pool that spawned, so that will have impacted the ratio I ended with.
Comment by Everwin I fished the swirling pool that leads down to The Eternal Palace for a while and it seemed to yield significantly more grey armor and weapons than the rest of Nazjatar. It's almost as if I was fishing up past adventurers old gear.
Comment by aoeu We all come here to find out where's the best spot.. I guess you can search for actual Viper pools.. I mostly just fish at Newhome for Horde.
So just pick a spot, relax, and happy fishing! Comment by Emalethx2 I have found, outside of pools of course that the rule is prevalent. However, I have found a spot that is more , however whichever fish is the 60 depends on the day. Since I installed a fishing addon approximately 2 months worth of data, I've not the patience for fishing all the time , I've catches at Nar'anan, on the top of the mini-waterfall where the prismatic crystal spawns.
My figures run: Viper: However, when I am fishing I am looking for one or the other, I rarely actually want both at the same time. So I will farm 1 or 2 hundred which is where I get my from.
Wednesday, catches, Mauve; 70 Viper and 3 salmon. So I think, unless I have just been paying way too much attention, head for a river or small stream, don't avoid the pools I ignore them personally , but sit downriver of them - the day the mauve pool is up, I get more of them down-stream, viper pool is up, more of them.
They can be found as far down as 5, feet in depth during the daytime. Source: Biodiversity Heritage Library. When darkness falls, they rise in shallower waters that are around 2, feet deep, or even less. They prefer tropical and temperate oceans , as they are the most suitable for their development, as well as their hunting abilities.
A viperfish can send a message to its rival with their help, as well as signal to an available mate. Very little is known about the reproductive habits of viperfish other than this. Because they live far away from the human gaze and prefer darkness, they have been seldom observed during this time.
Related: Do Goldfish Lay Eggs. These eggs are spawned all year round, but the largest concentration of young viperfish appears between January and March. In fact, one single viperfish can live between 15 and 30 years in the wild. This is an impressive lifespan for a marine creature this small.
Nevertheless, they wither away immediately in captivity, dying in just a few hours. It is usually dark silvery blue in color, but its coloration can vary from green to silver or black. Although the main light organ is located at the end of the elongated dorsal fin ray, there are also several photophores located all along the side of the fish. These may help to camouflage the fish from predators lurking below. These lights make its bottom side appear to blend in with the extremely faint light filtering down from above.
They may also serve to attract prey and communicate with potential mates or rivals. The unusually large teeth of the viperfish help it to grab hold of its prey at it hunts in the darkness. Viperfish have been observed hanging motionless in the water, waving their lures over their heads like a fishing pole to attract their meals. They have a hinged skull, which can be rotated up for swallowing unusually large prey. They also have very large stomachs that allow them to stock up on food whenever it is plentiful.
Viperfish feed primarily on crustaceans and small fish. Like many deep-sea creatures, they are known to migrate vertically throughout the day. During daytime hours they are usually found in deep water down to 5, feet 1, meters. At night they travel up to shallower waters at depths of less than 2, feet meters where food is more plentiful. Viperfish have a very low basal metabolic rate, which means they can go for days without food.
This adaptation is likely a result of the scarce nature of food in the deep sea.