Can you paint a wetsuit

This is one of the exceptions to the neoprene rule as seat colors made from this fabric can be died. For your best results, you want to have plain or off white colors on the seat covers.

Then you need to buy a dark-colored powdered dye. Once you get the dye, you need to mix it in 2 cups of hot water while filling your washing machine with more hot water. As you do this, you can also soak the seat covers in hot water in a tub or sink.

When the dye is ready, mix it in the washing machine and add the seat covers. Then run the wash cycle on an extended cycle making sure the rinse portion does not kick in till 30 minutes after the washing has started. When done, rinse the seat covers in warm water, then cold till the water runs clear. After that, hang the covers up to dry. It is possible and you should probably try the seat cover method to get this task done right.

The thing to be concerned about in this situation is if the hot water will ruin the neoprene material, be cautious. Or you can check out Rit Dye or the other commercial dye brands and see if they have a specially made formula that works on neoprene.

If they do, just follow their instructions to get the job done correctly. Again, you can only go from light to dark so forget about dyeing the black portions a lighter color. Also, depending on how the dress and neoprene fibers were made, you may not be able to change colors as well as you like because the original color is processed at the time of mixing the chemicals.

This means that the color is completely through the fabric and not on the surface like denim is. Some neoprene fabrics you can paint but the caution here is that the rubber and paint may not react well together and the neoprene will not accept the paint. Plus, the type of paint you use will depend a lot on the purpose the material will have after you are done. There are different brands out there that are supposed to work well on neoprene. Again you should follow the instructions to make sure your chances of success are greater.

Make sure you take your time as neoprene is not an easy material to work with and you may not be able to get the paint exactly how you want it. Also, using thin coats as compared to thick ones should have the paint adhere to the fabric better. The first step is to use a thin coat urethane cure accelerator on the fabric.

This liquid helps clean the material and get it ready for the paint. It also helps the paint stick to the neoprene better and reduces flaking, etc.

Wait till the material is completely dry. Next, you paint your paint on your neoprene outfit or wet suit. The key here is to have those items flat and we mean flat. There should be no ridges, creases, or bumps on the surface as you paint. After painting, you need to wait between 24 and 48 hours for the paint to dry. Once that has happened, you need to mix one part cure accelerator with 2 parts waterproof gel and then paint that over the outfit or wet suit.

This will protect your painting effort as well as keep the color from coming off. Let cure overnight and don't touch it till the next morning. We have already given you three good brand names that make paint for neoprene. You should check out what they have to offer first, before going to any of the other alternatives. Those companies should know what paint works best on the neoprene fabric you are working on.

Then if they do not have the color you want, you can try what is called SEM as this is the paint many auto repair shops and dealers use to paint neoprene surfaces. You will need a paintbrush for sure as it is not known if they paint comes in a spray or not. Also, you can try acrylic paint with a fabric medium added to it. This paint option works on many fabrics and it may work on neoprene.

The trouble with painting this fabric is that neoprene stretches and when it does, it can cause the paint coat to flake, chip, crack or peel. Fellas, I've got an old "junk" wetsuit that is still pretty serviceable. I want to do a camo job on it, if possible. Can I paint it, and if so, what kind of paint will do the job? Can I dye it, and if so, what kind of dye should be used? One of my buddies suggested patching different colors of 1mm neoprene all over it, but frankly, I don't know where I'd get the neoprene in different colors cheaply.

What say you guy? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks, JB. You guys usually jump all over stuff like this. Use non-toxic water based paint. Messages 9, Reaction score 1, Location Boston of dives - Thanks, damselfish.

I don't know why it didn't come up in my searches What a great thread. I remembered reading that once, with a lame search feature it's a lot easier to find things when you know exactly what you're looking for!

Messages Reaction score 0 Location Miami Florida. Damselfish said:. Click to expand ScubaToneDog Contributor. Messages Reaction score 60 Location Cleveland Ohio of dives - Have you thought about dyeing it?

You could probably do a tye dye type thing. If your suit is bleached out from sun and pool use, start out with a light color Last summer I dyed my Pool shorty I use for classes.

Get a bottle of the liquid DITZ dye at the grocery store or a fabric store and ignore the directions I used a rubbermaid container filled with water hot enough for me to keep my hand in there comfortably, around degrees farenheit, and poured the whole bottle in.

I put my suit in weighted down with balloons filled with sand and let it sit for an hour, turning it every 15 minutes so the balloons wouldnt make goofy spots. I rinsed heavily and let it dry. Came out great. Ive had it in the water several times and there is no staining of my skin Oh one more thing This is an edit of my post I just thought of this But a wetsuit will always provide some additional buoyancy, helping the person wearing it to float too.

Putting your wetsuit on: When putting your suit on, open the zipper and grab the suit from the inside of the crotch and turn the upper body inside out you should leave the arms the right-way out. Once the suit is fitted correctly in the lower body you then can pull it up over your shoulders and arms. If the pool is cold it will feel warmer. If you exert you may feel too warm. Movement if the shoulders is more restricted, but kicking is not affected much by the wetsuit.

From donating it, to getting creative with your own projects, here are three ways to recycle old wetsuits:. Warm water is much more effective than cold for this. Personally I would not put any wetsuit in a top loader. A front loader would give it a good safe workout. Skip to content April 22, Joe Ford.


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