Also, you can write new tests that demonstrate known failures. For this purpose, the Subversion test suite allows you to specify that a given test is expected to fail called an XFAIL , and so long as Subversion fails in the way that was expected, a test result of XFAIL itself is considered a success. Ultimately, the better the test suite, the less time wasted on diagnosing potentially obscure regression bugs.
After making your modifications to the source code, compose a clear and concise log message to describe those changes and the reasons for them. Then, send an email to the developers list containing your log message and the output of svn diff from the top of your Subversion working copy.
If the community members consider your changes acceptable, someone who has commit privileges permission to make new revisions in the Subversion source repository will add your changes to the public source code tree. See our discussion of Subversion's branching and tagging model for the reasoning behind this.
Contributing to Subversion Prev Chapter 8. Developer Information Next. Contributing to Subversion. Join the Community. Get the Source Code. Around that is a wider community of many people who contribute fixes and suggestions and help other users. JF: The notable points, apart from many bug fixes and small improvements, are two server-side improvements:. JF:Personally I'm most excited about the new Shelving feature.
That's my "baby". First requested years ago, these days more and more Subversion users have experienced the convenience of "git stash" and will love that Subversion is getting its own equivalent. Shelving is in its initial iteration here, and marked "experimental" for a couple of reasons. First, we want users to give us their feedback on the way it behaves the user interface so we can refine it to work the ways that are most useful.
JF: I developed the Shelving feature, doing most of the work myself but openly and with feedback and assistance from the development community. The repository permission is dependant on filesystem permission.
First install the following package libapache2-svn see InstallingSoftware. NOTE: If you have already tried to install the "dav" modules manually, package installation may fail. Simply remove all files beginning with "dav" from the mods-enabled directory, then remove and install the package again. Let the package put files in the correct place, then edit your configuration. Alternatively, you can allow svn access on a per-site basis.
Once you add the above lines, you must restart apache2 web server. This file contains user authentication details. If you have just installed SVN, the passwd file will not yet exist and needs to be created using the "-c" switch. Adding any users after that should be done without the "-c" switch to avoid overwriting the passwd file.
To add the first entry, ie.. Once you enter the password, the user is added. You must enter the password configured using htpasswd command. Once it is authenticated the project is checked out. If you encounter access denied, please remember to logout and login again for your memebership of the subversion user-group to take effect. If you are worried about password snooping, you are advised to use SSL encryption.
For details, please refer next section. Subversion has a large regression test suite that takes a non-trivial amount of time to run. Even though developers are encouraged to run these tests before committing changes, sometimes things fall through the cracks — "obvious" changes turn out not to be, platform-specific bugs crop up, etc.
To help us catch these sorts of things, we employ a buildbot farm of machines continuously testing our codebase as it changes. So even if you can't personally take the time to actively test Subversion, if you have a computer with cycles to spare, please consider adding it as a node in our buildbot farm. We can always benefit from having our test suite executed continuously on additional operating systems and machine architectures.
The open-source adage "Patches welcome" may show up most frequently as a thread-killing retort to mailing list trolls, but at the heart of the statement are two quite genuine ideals: software code doesn't write itself, and projects generally really do want as many people as possible to help write that code.
The Subversion project is no different. We've accepted and applied countless patch contributions , and we hope to always have a constant stream of them. If you're a developer able to contribute in this way, take a cruise through our Subversion Community Guide , specifically the sections regarding patch submissions and coding conventions , and come join the fun! We have a list of project ideas for those who are looking for a sizable project which can take several weeks or even several months to complete.
Larger features do not just get written when someone has the time and inclination to do so—they get designed first. The process involves discussions on the dev list , with reasonably detailed rationales and implementation plans fly across the room. We often use our wiki to work on the proposed designs.
Participating in such a discussion is an excellent way for users to ensure that planned new features are designed from the very beginning to meet their use-cases and wishes, while for larger features holding such a discussion is key to establishing consensus before any coding takes place.