Add a meaning Cancel. Fritz Lee. Turkish : El Harry Gibbons. Synonyms for El Shaddai Add synonyms. Antonyms for El Shaddai Add antonyms.
Examples of El Shaddai in a sentence Add a sentence. El Shaddai should be in sentence. Comments about El Shaddai. The correct way to pronounce the name Bill Clinton is? Pronunciation poll Vote. Ask your friends X. Dutch vocabulary -Gloria Mary. Afrikaans -Gloria Mary. You are not logged in.. Meanings for Shaddai It is a Hebrew term that is more commonly seen in the Bible and it means the Almighty. Sifiso Mhlongo. Add a meaning Cancel. Wiki content for Shaddai Shaddai.
Shaddai god. Shaddai city. Shaddap You Face. Allison Ritchie. Add a sentence Cancel. Shaddai should be in sentence. Turkish : on. Synonyms for Shaddai Add synonyms. Antonyms for Shaddai Add antonyms. Comments about Shaddai. Forgot your password? Retrieve it. Term » Definition.
Word in Definition. Pick your prefered accent:. Alex US English. Fred US English. Samantha US English. Victoria US English. Julia US English. David US English. Mark US English. Zira US English. Also he could not endure that so much as a fragment of the law of Shaddai should be anywhere seen in the town. Now there was in the market-place in Mansoul, and also upon the gates of the castle, an image of the blessed King Shaddai.