How does kairi have a nobody

I'd call a Nobody that isn't created of anything and to top it was that was born from a PoH pretty damn special, wouldn't you? Nomura confirmed it several times, he likes to play on it. Now I know what you're saying, AtW said that on the night of the storm, Kairi didn't create a Nobody That we know of , lawl.

So what kept Kairi from creating Xion - a Special Nobody - on the night of the storm, only AtW never got in contact with Xion so he never reached any conclusion about her? Conclusions - Xion's a Special Nobody. That is to say, when dealing with her kind, you take up all the rules we know of and just about use them to wipe where the sun doesn't shine.

Who knows. Then we get to the notion that lawl, Namine came from Sora so the main and all but only valid argument to why they can't both be her Nobodies all but died out.

Two Nobodies for a single Heart leaving two Bodies. Two Special Nobodies. I don't believe that's the case. I just don't think we should rule out the possibility of it quite just yet until the fat lady sings.

Or Utada, hopefully. Veriun New member. Joined Aug 4, Messages 88 Reaction score 0 Points 0. I'll admit, you lost me about halfway through your second point, SA. XD Are you saying Xion might've been created during the night of the storm? Makes sense in terms of looks, anyway. First Roxas' Keyblade, now Kairi's looks. Veriun said:. Are you saying Xion might've been created during the night of the storm? Xion seems to be a professional burglar.

Gildragon Theatre Messiah. All she tells Roxas is who she is and that she has been looking for him. When Roxas goes to talk with Seifer he is confronted by nobodies and during the battle, when using a toy sword doesn't work, Namine tells him to use the Keyblade to fight the nobodies.

After you beat the giant nobody she then helps you out of the darkness. Namine doesn't make an appearance until you go to the "World that never was". She then goes away for a while and then merges with Kairi in order for them to become whole again. Tweet Clean. User Info: HakunaHattata. User Info: SevenTetsu.

During KH1 when Destiny Islands was going haywire. Did you even play through KH I? Because they make a really huge deal about it! Everyone before me is wrong, so don't listen to them. They've never read the Ansem Reports it seems. Namine was born when Sora stabbed himself. Kairi would normally be incapable of creating a Nobody because she can't spawn a Heartless, but when both her and Sora's hearts left this body, a Heartless was created in the process.

The Heartless was Sora's, but the "a Heartless need be formed" qualification of nobody creation was met, and Namine spawned. Problem with Namine is that Kairi was using her body and soul, so Namine is quite literally a being of nothing. User Info: Rharyx In simpler terms, Namine is Kairi's Nobody that was born through Sora. When someone loses their heart, a Nobody is made. So when Kairi's heart left Sora's body, Namine was created. Riku posted over a year ago.

It's Lea! Invader-Tak posted over a year ago. Hiding 2 comments Lea is Axel!!! Axel just doesnt remeber having that name. Ansem19 posted over a year ago. He isn't Riku doesn't have a Nobody as far as I know. Even if he does, it's not Terra. Xion said: Well in Kingdom Hearts 1 Kiari lost her heart. Since she's a princess her heart is pure light meaning she can't become a heartless. Did you notice? When Kiari didn't have a heart she was just an empty shell.

Namine is made from Sora's body and soul, that's why she doen't really resemble Kiari, all the other Organization 13 members look very very similar to their somebody, exept roxas. And from sora, Namine gain the special ability to control his memories. Venn and Roxas are the same freakin people Ansem19 posted over a year ago. Terra's nobody is Well, I won't say it but, it isn't Riku. Riku's story is just similar to Terra's, making Riku more of someone Terra could relate to, not an actual part of him.

In fact, it's hinted that Terra sees a bit of himself in Riku, well, baby Riku at least, and that Riku's future could have been identical to Terra's. Which may have been what was supposed to happen to Riku but, since his relationship with the Heart, his future changed.


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