How long does un recruitment take

After you have registered and completed My Profile , you can create one or several job applications. The application form is the part of your application that has information about your education, language skills, present and past jobs, etc.

Attached resumes are not accepted. You can start preparing an application form without immediately applying for a job by clicking Create Draft Application. After you have entered the data you click Save to save the data without submitting. You can prepare, access, edit and save one or more fully, or partially completed application forms without applying for a job right away. It is recommended to click Save after each section before exiting the page.

Also be aware that the session times out after 60 minutes of inactivity. Once you have identified a job opening of interest, you should update the application to highlight important facts relevant to the job you are applying for, as well as to provide answers to the Job Requirements questions and to complete your motivation statement. It is also important to accurately complete and update all the information as it serves as a basis for evaluating your eligibility and suitability for a job opening.

If you want to apply for a specific job after you have filled out your application, click Add job to application. You will have to answer a set of questions based on the job requirements which will give you the opportunity to demonstrate relevant experiences, highlight skills and knowledge, describe related published work, acquired licenses, certifications, and training.

After the job application is complete, you can submit your application by clicking Submit. The United Nations does not accept a resume as an attached document and it is neither considered a substitute nor a complementary document to a completed online application. If any additional information or documentation is required, you will be requested to submit it during application process. If you have submitted your job application successfully, you will promptly receive an automated acknowledgment by e-mail.

Also note that once an application has been submitted it cannot be changed for that specific job opening. Each application you have prepared and submitted, and the list of job openings to which you have applied, along with the application status i. Your application is evaluated in terms of required and desirable evaluation criteria, e. They can be identified in related parts of the job opening of the position you applied to as well as through the Job Requirements questions at the time of your application.

If it is determined that you are not eligible, or only meet some or none of the required or applied evaluation criteria for a particular job, you will be informed, at the appropriate time, that your application was unsuccessful for this job. In this case, you should not be discouraged but apply for other jobs for which you feel you are qualified. The assessment exercises might include a written exam, simulation exercise, case study, or other appropriate evaluation mechanism.

You will be informed in advance of the time, type, and length of the assessment. If, based on the result of the assessment, you are short-listed for a competency-based interview, you will be informed accordingly. All costs related to travel, insurance, accommodation, and living expenses must be borne by either the interns or their sponsoring institutions, if this is applicable. English and French are the working languages of the Secretariat. Some of the other official languages may also be working languages in the Regional Commissions which are located in Santiago, Bangkok, Beirut, Geneva and Addis Ababa.

The United Nations offers you an attractive remuneration package with competitive pay and benefits. The level of pay for staff in the Professional and higher categories that are recruited internationally is set by reference to the highest paying national civil service. Staff members in categories that are locally recruited are compensated in accordance with the best prevailing conditions of service locally.

Find out more about salary grades here. Aside from career development opportunities, UN staff may receive a number of other benefits. These include:. Different types of contract allow varying amounts of holiday leave per annum.

Staff members may also be eligible for home leave travel to renew social, cultural and family ties in their home country. Staff members are eligible to participate in one of the United Nations-sponsored medical insurance plans. The monthly premiums are co-shared by staff members and the Organization. If a staff member has an appointment of six months or more or complete six months of service without an interruption they become a participant in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund.

A compulsory contribution will be deducted from their monthly salary. We are not involved with UN recruitment processes and beyond guidance we provide, we cannot help you secure a job at the UN.

Applications 1. How do I apply for a job with the UN? This includes a decision for recommending the candidates based on interview and test results, completing necessary documentation and independent reviews to ensure the process was fair. Finally, a job offer is created and signed, and all of this can take from one week to several months.

After the job offer is drafted, the candidate is offered their job to see if they are still available for work after the long process has been completed. If they are not, the job listing becomes re-advertised.

This can also happen if none of the applicants faired well during this process. These recruitment steps are often what happen in standard recruitments, but the process can vary greatly in terms of programs such as the Junior Professional Program or the Young Professional Program. For higher level jobs, expect it to be much different. Be sure that you understand the process of your specific hiring path when you apply by checking with the organization that is posting your job advertisement.

Global Peace Careers is a website dedicated to career related information in the sectors peace and conflict studies, conflict resolution, mediation and related sectors.

On our website we collect and distribute information about entry level jobs, paid internships, affordable master degrees, online courses and other opportunities. Disclosure: Global Peace Careers may be compensated by course providers.

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