How many conspiracy theories are there about jfk

Therein lies the distinction — Congress noted a very real conspiracy in the assassination of President Kennedy but has not engaged in conspiratorial conjectures on what actually happened on 11th of September You will never convince a Kennedy assassination conspiracy theorist that he is wrong no matter how much evidence you provide to the contrary. They will dismiss the facts and evidence of the case with some of the most ridiculous theories and after a time you will begin to wonder are these people crazy, stupid or stupid and crazy?

Do not argue with these people because they will twist facts using corrupted logic to make it fit their stupid conspiracy theory. The reason that people believe that Oswald may have been part of something bigger than himself is because he was murdered before he could face trail for the murders of JFK and Dallas police officer J.

Had he lived to face trial he would have surely been convicted by the enormous amount of evidence against him and there would be few, if anybody, today that would believe in a conspiracy. The person responsible for the belief that there was a conspiracy and cover-up is Jack Ruby and if he had not acted, then there would not be all these silly conspiracy theories and Oswald would have had a fair trial.

Since Oswald was murdered and could not stand trial many people, of questionable intelligence, would conclude he was killed to silence him and to protect the big important people behind the Kennedy assassination. You can thank Jack Ruby for allowing fools to make this ridiculous conclusion after he shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Further, during the s Congressman Frank Church and his committee uncovered CIA clandestine publishing of academic journals and textbooks on a grand scale serving garrison state information warfare.

As I have read at least sixty books critical of the Warren Commission, written by highly respected professionals, all of whom provided FACTS, not theory, surrounding the assassination, I am taken aback by the vehement support of a very few for the Warren Commission disinformation document. I researched this book for six years. Just facts, sources noted — and photographs. One has to wonder what motivates the rabid Warren Commission adherents. Click here to cancel reply.

Facebook Facebook. Almost 60 percent of Americans believe in conspiracy theories about JFK. Share this:. And Perry, a something retired former insurance claims adjuster from Massachusetts , has been digging through JFK assassination records since to address those skeptics. Doubters ask him to check out the odd stories that pop up: Somebody claimed to be the Grassy Knoll shooter. Nope, he wasn't. Perry says he located and verified the authenticity of Oswald's long-lost wedding ring.

Most people don't get too wound up over that. Related story: Still paranoid after all these years. Over the years he's come to know several people who found themselves embroiled in the investigation, including ex-Dallas detective Jim Leavelle and Oswald's co-worker Buell Frazier. Perry guesses he spends a "couple hundred hours" each October and November doing research and consulting.

After all that, you can imagine he's heard a lot of theories. If Oswald didn't act alone, who was behind the shooting in Dallas's Dealey Plaza on November 22, ? Some conspiracy theorists believe "the oil people" may have organized a hit on the President; others suspect "people who didn't like the way Kennedy handled civil rights.

Perry shared five conspiracy theories he believes rank among the most popular:. Perry has shot this one down. Edgar Hoover and others the night before the attack. That's no threat.

This is one of the few questions in this polarized age on which you can even find agreement among Hillary Clinton voters 59 percent believe in a conspiracy and Trump voters 61 percent. Despite the low percentage of Americans who believe the government line, the theory that Oswald acted alone has actually gained steam among the public in recent years. That was the year before New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison publicly accused the government of enacting a huge cover-up to conceal the fact that the president had been killed by anti-Communist extremists in the CIA.

Why is it, though, that belief in a lone gunman has grown by over 20 percentage points in the past two decades? Finally, it could be a simple matter of demographic changes. Every communist and democratic country had an embassy in Mexico City — the only place in the Western Hemisphere where these enemies coexisted more or less openly.

According to witnesses from the Cuban and Soviet diplomatic missions, Oswald visited their embassies repeatedly on Friday and Saturday. He was desperately seeking visas to those countries, which Americans were then prohibited from visiting. Oswald also forced a KGB volleyball match on Saturday morning to be canceled when he brandished a weapon at the Soviet consulate, before bursting into tears and leaving. Those events are well documented by the CIA, which in the s had ramped up its Mexico operations to monitor communist activity , even hiring Mexican agents to help.

The Mexican Secret Service, whose s-era files Mexico has recently begun to declassify , also tracked Oswald on Sept. This story originated in March , when the American consul in the Mexican coastal city of Tampico, Benjamin Ruyle, was buying drinks for local journalists.


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