Looking for group what is richard

Commander: The bulk of our army is around the city itself. Gather the three hundred! High Engineer: Please stop rounding up. Richard: The look on your face when a toddler rips out your heart and shows it to you: priceless. Richard: In case you weren't sure, the skeletons are on our side. Richard: Talk about what? How everything I knew was false? How I got caught up in my father's machinations?

How I earned my power by failing my brother? How I'm female? How my choice of warddrobe borrows heavily from a doll? Cale: Let's start with that last one. Adviser: Did the crown just laugh? Assassin 1: What kind of a fish was it? Tuna Trout? Assassin 2: He's an avid fisherman with very limited access to good fishing spots. Maikos: You had time to grab me and put me in front of you? Why would you not use that time to dodge? Richard: Women. Cale: Yeah. Richard: Why are any of them still alive? Richard: You may be right.

Richard: What are your thoughts on penning them up to use for mating and the creation of snacks? Commander Kickass: Did you know Aelloon is my son? Cale: You must be so proud. Richard: Bad news, Cale. I'm afraid that your position as my closest and dearest companion is being replaced by the fellow who just tackled a dragon. Richard: Good news! Gnome Guard: Don't fwoosh me bro.

Captain: You are too well dressed and too well nourished. And most tellingly, you look at me while speaking. Richard: What do you see? Cale: Fire. Richard: Describe it. Cale: Hot. Richard: Look closer. Cale: Mysterious. Richard: Now look up and tell me what you see. Cale: Beauty. Endless possibility. We need to get rid of your blue fwoosh. Cale: This justifies it?! What right had we to make that decision for them?! Prosecuter: Not only does this Warlock travel with a group of Good and Neutral aligned beings and beasts - He hasn't murdered a single one of them.

Richard: Did you do as I asked with all of the women and children? Maikos: Yes, My lord. But the Catapult could only fire four of them at a time. Maikos: It's the source of his power Cale: What? Richard: He said I threw his mother off a tower. Maikos: That too. Cale: We are not traveling the world to give people brain damage. Not again. Richard: That was a crazy summer. Benny: Right? Richard: Can I ask you something? Cale: I know what you're going to ask.

What do we do once we reach land? We turn everything over to the authorities, then we head out from town to town, village to village, and city to city , we'll do some good. The Archmage then sent the party on a quest to loosen the Anchor in the catacombs below the city, which would make Kethenecia be forgotten so that it could be restored years later. On their way they met the dwarf Pella who had been ordered to guide them to the Anchor by the Archmage, while the rest of the city prepared for an incoming invasion.

While approving of her attitude towards Cale, Richard pointed out that warlocks shouldn't obey dwarves. She reacted by cutting his hand off, immediately improving their mutual friendship.

He temporarily replaced his cut off limb with the Handfork of Truth , and decided he wanted a pet with a fork. The party met the Guardians of Eight and Cale'anon had a conversation with the Elder One, during which Benn'joon healed back Richard's lost limb.

The Guardians agreed to help them on their task to loosen the Anchor, just in time before the invasion hit the catacombs. Richard got swallowed by a griffin , but caused it to explode from the inside. The party met the first wave of the invasion alongside the Guardians, except for Richard who sat at a nearby table and judged the singing of new party member, Pella, and got an axe thrown into his face for it.

The Elder Guardian told Cale and the party to enter the labyrinth and find the Anchor. The Anchor appeared to be an innocent child - and killing it was a hard choice Cale had to overcome.

Richard volunteered, but they soon learned of Tavor's betrayal. The former Knight of Gamlon had defeated the Guardians of Eight and lead the invaders into the labyrinth to protect the Anchor.

Richard fought off the invaders until Cale'anon finally built the courage to kill the Anchor. Kethenecia was hidden from the world for years, and the party was returned to their own time.

Richard took advantage of the brokenhearted Cale, mocking him about his loss of innocense. He states that his titles are based on kills. He later whimsically decided to add "Lord of the Dance" to his list of titles [2] and upon killing Ajellah , took her title of "Mistress of Magma" for himself [3]. During a court trial with demons the judge refers to Richard's mortal self as "Lord Ashendale.

Because he is undead, Richard can sustain normally serious injuries without dying or even experiencing pain; he believed that a torture chamber the group was sent to was a spa although he may have only been joking. A running gag in the series, in fact, is Richard being impaled by a sharp object thrown at him from off screen. He is also light in weight, enough for at Richard used to to shoot an arrow with Richard attached to it with little effort.

Richard claims to be traveling with Cale out of sheer boredom and for opportunities to kill things. He used to have a companion - an imp named Hctib Elttil whose name, Richard claims, accurately describes its place in their relationship - but it ran away. He has a habit of singing at inopportune times or when in battle.

In addition to his prodigious magical power, Richard was shown to be skilled enough in hand-to-hand combat to easily take out several trolls within seconds, claiming that he 'drained the soul of a monk once', and that it 'tasted like chocolate'.

Richard seems to have as much if not more control over Cale's companion pet, the panther Sooba , as Cale himself does, even going so far as being able to summon the cat to his side in battle "Madness? This is Sooba! Richard also has his own pet, a rabbit whom he seems to care for, and who in turn cares for him, such as when Richard returned from his banishment to the 'Plane of Suck'. It is later revealed that the rabbit is in fact the Archmage of Kethenecia , and that Richard had been aware of that fact for quite some time.

Richard then offers the use of his undead army. Though it would seem that Richard's only goal in life is to sow death and destruction wherever he goes after all the other characters have explained their various motives behind their quest of finding the lost Sword of Truth, he simply states "I. How is that not clear by now?

The Phares , elemental spirits whom Richard harnessed the power of, said that they saw another presence behind the darkness, which Richard shrugged off by saying "I'm very deep.

However, Richard may have done this in order to break a curse placed on him by Hctib , his imp, who returned to punish Richard. It could have been accidental due to the fact that the child was very physically close to him.

However, it was stated that only an act of selflessness could break the curse, hinting that this act might have been genuinely selfless. Also, while on trial he stated that, like Cale, he was on a path he was compelled to follow, and after killing most of demon court he left stating that for the first time in a hundred years he had a goal. Most recently, Pretty, Pretty Unicorn , the little village up the coast which serves as the source of Richard's power, has been taken over and converted by Legara.

To save it, Richard traveled there with Maikos , Sooba , and the bunny. Richard measures his existence in at least hundreds of years.

During much of this time, he had forgotten portions of his life before he became undead, but some of the memories are returning. Such as memories of tending a rose garden, despite his father not wanting him to. On page it is suggested that Richard used to be a little kind hearted boy, this is later shown to be a red herring as Richard was in actuality, the boy's adult sister. Richard also has the capacity to perform uncharacteristically good deeds, but has to look around to make sure no one is watching.

He seems particularly likely to do this for Cale, for whom he seems to have a well hidden soft spot. On a number of occasions however, Cale has had to offer Richard something. When he asked Richard to save a village of people, Richard replied "I don't 'Save'", until Cale said that afterward they were going to go and cut a path of slaughter and destruction through Legarion forces, to which Richard immediately strikes a heroic pose and proclaims "We need to save these people!

He has also saved the life of a small boy for no good reason as well as saving an entire village from flooding at Cale's request. He can also be seen as strangely innocent after commenting that he thinks he hears Benn'Joon getting hurt in the distance by Cale when actually they made love just after kissing passionately. Characteristically he assumes that Cale was hurting her and offered to bury the corpse.

Richard has admitted to murdering his father, as he reminisces on the first page. It has since been revealed that Richard's meeting with Cale was no accident, and that the warlock was charged with protecting Cale. It has also been revealed that Richard may not be undead at all after Cale saw his face without its veil. Without his veil, Richard speaks with white text boxes, though he may have been simply mocking Cale. In the nd issue, Richard was shown painting his human colored skin white, and after being shot by a Legion arrow he experienced pain and bled, retreating and incinerating an innocent family hiding in a barn.

After gathering the ashes into a small black bag he was impaled by a soldier to no ill effect, indicating it may have something to do with his immortality, although it's possible that simply killing the innocent fuels his immortality as well. In chapter , Richard entered the gem of Tavor 's crown after the latter's death. Shortly, thereafter he began incinerating the heads of anyone foolish enough to put the crown on [4]. In fact, Aelloon would have met the same fate as the others had someone not warned him.

Aellon then calls for some battlemages to exorcise Richard from the crown. After killing a few of them he is defeated and locked in a dungeon. Aelloon then asks Richard if he can kill the unkillable and orders him to do so. Richard initially refuses though he changed his mind once Aelloon showed him exactly what he wanted Richard to kill. It is then revealed that Hctib Elttil will accompany Richard as he goes on this quest. It is then revealed that the chains can control the undead and Hctib used them to have Richard beat the crap out of himself.

Sometime later, Hctib asks Richard "so what's new? Richard then states that his target is an appendage indicating that it may be Dnah.

More recently his power sources have been altered with the loss of the gem he wears. As previously his powers came from killing the innocent, he now gains magic by protecting the guilty, this turned his fireballs blue. This turned out to be an imperfect arrangement due to only gaining power from protecting a single guilty party once. However he later discovered that he gained an even greater amount of power back by protecting the innocent.

In the aftermath of the Archmage"s death the power he had stolen from other mages is now returning to the descendants of their rightfully owners. Fearing a surge of newly empower mages drive made by this sudden new found power Richard and the other set out on a quest to find and de-power them by transferring their power to Richard.

This seems to have removed the need for Richard to partake of any particular action to recharge her powers. Looking For Group Wiki Explore. Top Content. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Edit source History Talk 7.


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