Rappelz how many pets

Useful Screens b. Making Pet Equipment c. Moving and Attacking with the Pet d. Skills e. Taming f. Belt Stats. Introduction — How to quickly find what you need to know! Pets are a very important part of Rappelz. This guide is intended to be a complete reference that is easy to use.

Key terms are in bold font. If you are looking for something quickly, seek out the bold words and the section titles. Pet Basics. Pet Cards A pet card is an item that is stored in your inventory and can be used to summon a creature. Some pet cards can be purchased at the Merchant NPC. Other pet cards can be found by killing specific monsters.

Pet cards can be traded, placed in the auction house, etc. An empty pet card is required to tame a creature. The empty card will list which types of monsters can be tamed. A tamed pet card is one which stores a successfully tamed creature. The creature will have a level, an overbred level and will have pet-specific skills. All other types are drop-only. Cash Shop sales periodically feature Uncommon and Rare pet cards. To find an empty pet card , you can kill a monster of the type you wish to find.

The rarity of the pet card is based on the level of monster killed listed in section IV. The chance of getting an empty pet card drop is very very low and depends on the rarity of the pet. Farming can take days, weeks or months for a single card. Random-type monsters have a lower chance of dropping a card.

Taming a Pet Taming a pet card is done by finding a monster listed on an empty pet card and casting Creature Taming on that monster. The monster must be at full health before the spell is cast.

After the spell has been cast, the player must kill the monster. If successful, the card will contain a level 1 creature. If failed, the pet card will be destroyed. A heart above the dead monster indicates a successful tame. A broken heart indicates a failed tame. Higher levels of Creature Taming have better chances of taming a creature. A Creature Taming skill card will increase the chances of taming a creature.

Many players choose to seek out a tamer with level 10 taming and a skill card to tame their pet. Any scams should be reported to the Rappelz GMs via e-mail. Taming success rates are not officially released.

Attempting to tame a monster higher in level than the tamer will frequently result in a failed tame. Details in Section IV. Forming a Pet Forming a pet is the way to equip a tamed pet card for summoning. The amount of formation slots is equal to the level of the Creature Control passive skill. All classes may learn level 1 on their beginning job. Pet Classes may learn more levels of this skill, up to 5 levels. Level requirements will be listed on the item. Armors are class-specific and may only be upgraded by a player of that class.

The item does not need to be removed from the unit card. Joker ability only works in combination window. Combining creatures is a lot of hard work, but there are some great benefits to increasing your creature's stage. Each time you succeed the pet gains additional stats, HP, MP, and a bonus of 8 JP per stage, as well as new skills and a higher skill cap on their unity!

Don't forget, however, that combining creatures successfully results in a fresh creature. As your creature reaches stages 1, 3, and 5, a new equipment slot will be unlocked.

At stage 1, your creature will gain a slot for accessories, and at stages 3 and 5 your creature will unlock one slot each for a total of two artifact slots.

A brand new NPC called a Creature Enchanter has been added to each of the towns, and they sell items for creature enhancement for everyone to buy. They also provide information on the creature combining system, and they trade creature spirits and Artifact Fragments for creature artifacts. Evolve Pets. How To Tame. Looting Pets. Pet Combination. Pet Farm. Blue Pixie. Death Tyrant. White Dragon. Mystic Koala. Red Pixie. Ice Maiden. Blight Ogre. The Pets.

Pets have multiple forms or evolutions. Each evolution of a pet has a distinct appearance and offers new abilities to the pets. If a player uses a pet that is significantly higher level than they are then the pet becomes weaker.

This is so a low level player with a very high level pet is not extremely overpowered. Also, pets will only gain experience when they are lower in level than their owner. Therefore, a level 52 pet on a level 50 player will not gain any more experience until the owner reaches level Finally, Forgotten Depths added a new taming system, the Soul Pets.

Thanks to the Soul Taming Cards , it is now possible to tame each Rappelz mobs. These Soul Taming Cards cannot be used to tame monsters belonging to the 38 species listed below. Rarity: Normal pets groups two previously distinct tiers.


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