What do carbon dioxide emissions come from

This interactive chart shows per capita CO 2 emissions from coal, measured in tonnes per person per year. This interactive chart shows per capita CO 2 emissions from oil, measured in tonnes per person per year.

This interactive chart shows per capita CO 2 emissions from gas, measured in tonnes per person per year. This interactive chart shows per capita CO 2 emissions from cement production, measured in tonnes per person per year. Gas can be produced as by-product during oil extraction and refining. If there are no on-site uses for the gas, refineries can either inject it back into the ground, let it vent to the atmosphere, or burn i.

This flaring process produces greenhouse gas emissions. This interactive chart shows per capita CO 2 emissions from gas flaring, measured in tonnes per person per year. Our related work on Energy. CO 2 emissions by fuel type. Click to open interactive version. How you can interact with this chart On these charts you see the button Change Country in the bottom left corner — with this option you can switch the chart to any other country in the world.

If you drag the blue time-slider you will see the bar chart transform into a line chart, and show the change over time. Emissions from coal. Which countries are the largest CO 2 emitters from coal production? This interactive shows annual emissions from coal production by country, over time. Two tips on how you can interact with this chart Add any other country to this chart: click on the Add country button to compare with any other country.

How do emissions from coal compare when we adjust for population? Emissions from oil. Which countries are the largest CO 2 emitters from oil? This interactive shows annual emissions from oil by country, over time. How do emissions from oil compare when we adjust for population? Electricity and heat generation is the economic sector that produces the largest amount of man-made carbon dioxide emissions.

Around the world, this sector relies heavily on coal, the most carbon-intensive of fossil fuels, explaining this sector giant carbon footprint. Only Canada and France are the exception. Depending on the energy mix of your local power company you probably will find that the electricity that you use at home and at work has a considerable impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Below is a chart for percentage of electrical energy produced by fossil fuel combustion for major industrialized nations, for the complete list of all nations click here.

Industry is the largest consumer of the three because certain manufacturing processes are very energy intensive. The residential and commercial sectors are also heavily reliant on electricity for meeting their energy needs, particularly for lighting, heating, air conditioning and appliances. The transportation sector is the second largest source of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions.

Apart from road vehicles, the other important sources of emissions for this sector are marine shipping and global aviation. While there are a lot less ships than road vehicles used in the transportation sector, ships burn the dirtiest fuel on the market, a fuel that is so unrefined that it can be solid enough to be walked across at room temperature. Figure 2 highlights one of the most alarming trends in today's modern economy. Emissions caused by the transportation of people and goods has grown so rapidly that it has surpassed emissions from the industrial sector, which has had a huge impact on climate change.

This trend started in the 's and has continued ever since causing an increase in indirect emissions. The emissions caused by the transportation of goods are examples of indirect emissions since the consumer has no direct control of the distance between the factory and the store. The emissions caused by people traveling by car, plane, train, etc Since the distance traveled by goods during production is continuing to grow, this is putting more pressure on the transportation industry to bridge the gap and ends up creating more indirect emissions.

The industrial sector is the third largest source of man-made carbon dioxide emissions. These categories account for the vast majority of the fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions by this sector. Manufacturing and industrial processes all combine to produce large amounts of each type of greenhouse gas but specifically large amounts of CO2.

This is because many manufacturing facilities directly use fossil fuels to create heat and steam needed at various stages of production. Deforestation has been responsible for the great majority of these emissions. Deforestation is the permanent removal of standing forests and is the most important type of land use change because its impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Forests in many areas have been cleared for timber or burned for conversion to farms and pastures.

When forested land is cleared, large quantities of greenhouse gases are released and this ends up increasing carbon dioxide levels in three different ways. Trees act as a carbon sink. They remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere via photosynthesis. When forests are cleared to create farms or pastures, trees are cut down and either burnt or left to rot, which adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Since deforestation reduces the amount of trees, this also reduces how much carbon dioxide can be removed by the Earth's forests.

When deforestation is done to create new agricultural land, the crops that replace the trees also act as a carbon sink, but they are not as effective as forests. When trees are cut for lumber the wood is kept which locks the carbon in it but the carbon sink provided by forests is reduced because of the loss of trees.

Deforestation also causes serious changes in how carbon is stored in the soil. When forested land is cleared, soil disturbance and increased rates of decomposition in converted soils both create carbon dioxide emissions. This also increases soil erosion and nutrient leaching which further reduces the area's ability to act as a carbon sink.

There are many industrial processes that produce significant amounts of carbon dioxide emissions as a by product of chemical reactions needed in their production process. Many industrial processes emit carbon dioxide directly through fossil fuel combustion as well indirectly through the use of electricity that is generated using fossil fuels.

But there are four main types of industrial process that are a significant source of carbon dioxide emissions: the production and consumption of mineral products such as cement, the production of metals such as iron and steel, as well as the production of chemicals and petrochemical products. Cement production produces the most amount of carbon dioxide amongst all industrial processes. To create the main ingredient in cement, calcium oxide, limestone is chemically transformed by heating it to very high temperatures.

This process produces large quantities of carbon dioxide as a byproduct of the chemical reaction. So much so that making kg of cement produces nearly kg of carbon dioxide. Steel production is another industrial process that is an important source of carbon dioxide emissions.

To create steel, iron is melted and refined to lower its carbon content. This process uses oxygen to combine with the carbon in iron which creates carbon dioxide. On average, 1.

Fossil fuels are used to create chemicals and petrochemical products which leads to carbon dioxide emissions. The industrial production of ammonia and hydrogen most often use natural gas or other fossil fuels as a starting base, creating carbon dioxide in the process.

Petrochemical products like plastics, solvents, and lubricants are created using petroleum. These products evaporate, dissolve, or wear out over time releasing even more carbon dioxide during the product's life. Apart from being created by human activities, carbon dioxide is also released into the atmosphere by natural processes. The Earth's oceans, soil, plants, animals and volcanoes are all natural sources of carbon dioxide emissions.

Human sources of carbon dioxide are much smaller than natural emissions but they upset the balance in the carbon cycle that existed before the Industrial Revolution. The amount of carbon dioxide produced by natural sources is completely offset by natural carbon sinks and has been for thousands of years. Before the influence of humans, carbon dioxide levels were quite steady because of this natural balance. Other important natural sources include plant and animal respiration The largest natural source of carbon dioxide emissions is from ocean-atmosphere exchange.

This produces The oceans contain dissolved carbon dioxide, which is released into the air at the sea surface. Annually this process creates about billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. Many molecules move between the ocean and the atmosphere through the process of diffusion, carbon dioxide is one of them. This movement is in both directions, so the oceans release carbon dioxide but they also absorb it. The effects of this movement can be seen quite easily, when water is left to sit in a glass for long enough, gases will be released and create air bubbles.

Carbon dioxide is amongst the gases that are in the air bubbles. An important natural source of carbon dioxide is plant and animal respiration, which accounts for Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of the chemical reaction that plants and animals use to produce the energy they need. Plants and animals use respiration to produce energy, which is used to fuel basic activities like movement and growth.

CO2 accounts for about 76 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions. Methane, primarily from agriculture, contributes 16 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and nitrous oxide, mostly from industry and agriculture, contributes 6 percent to global emissions. All figures here are expressed in CO2-equivalents. Inventory of U. Our World in Data Tags Emissions. Topics Climate Basics. Global Emissions. Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions, — Notes Note: Carbon dioxide emissions have risen rapidly for the past 70 years.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Major Economies, —


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